| A | 1. | Final Payment on Contract 54-14 (K4-054), PS - Roof Management Program, IRS, Inc., consultant. (Res No. 0029-16) | Communication | Subject: Final Payment on Contract 54-14 (K4-054), PS - Roof Management Program, IRS, Inc., consultant. (Res No. 0029-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 01-26-16: That the work done by IRS, Inc., under Contract 54-14 (K4-054), PS - Roof Management Program, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $18,475.
Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 14-0506, dated December 16, 2014. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 2. | Final Payment on Contract 49-14 (K4-049), PS - Fire Station Museum Window Replacement, IRS, Inc., consultant. (Res No. 0030-16) | Communication | Subject: Final Payment on Contract 49-14 (K4-049), PS - Fire Station Museum Window Replacement, IRS, Inc., consultant. (Res No. 0030-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 01-26-16: That the work done by IRS, Inc., under Contract 49-14 (K4-049), PS - Fire Station Museum Window Replacement, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $3,290.
Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 14-0389, dated October 7, 2014. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 3. | Final Payment on Contract 22-14 (K4-22), PS-Pershing Drive/Sam Myers/Parking Lot Project, AECOM, consultant. (Res No. 0031-16) | Communication | Subject: Final Payment on Contract 22-14 (K4-22), PS-Pershing Drive/Sam Myers/Parking Lot Project, AECOM, consultant. (Res No. 0031-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 01-26-16: That the work done by AECOM, under Contract 22-14 (K4-022), PS - Pershing Drive/Sam Myers/Parking Lot Project, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $103,031.
Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 14-0147, dated April 2, 2014. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 4. | Final Payment on Contract 16-14 (K4-016), Harborside Remediation & Redevelopment, C.W. Purpero, Inc., contractor. (Res No. 0032-16 & Res No. 0056-16) | Communication | Subject: Final Payment on Contract 16-14 (K4-016), Harborside Remediation & Redevelopment, C.W. Purpero, Inc., contractor. (Res No. 0032-16 & Res No. 0056-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 02-09-16: That the work done by C.W. Purpero, Inc., under Contract 16-14 (K4-016), Harborside Remediation & Redevelopment, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $543,586.25. Final Payment to include retainage.
Further recommends that Res.0032-16 be amended to change the dollar amount of the final payment from $537,334.00 to $543,586.25.
Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 14-0136, dated April 2, 2014. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 5. | Final Payment on Contract 14-12 (K2-015), PS-Door Replacement at Festival Hall, Memorial Hall and City Hall, Industrial Roofing Services, Inc., consultant. (Res No. 0033-16) | Communication | Subject: Final Payment on Contract 14-12 (K2-015), PS - Door Replacement at Festival Hall, Memorial Hall and City Hall, Industrial Roofing Services, Inc., consultant. (Res No. 0033-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 01-26-16: That the work done by Industrial Roofing Services, Inc., under Contract 14-12 (K2-015), PS - Door Replacement at Festival Hall, Memorial Hall and City Hall, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $14,750.
Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 12-2968, dated February 22, 2012. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 6. | Final Payment on Contract 23-14 (K4-023), PS-City Hall Annex Boiler Upgrade, Angus Young, consultant. (Res No. 0034-16) | Communication | Subject: Final Payment on Contract 23-14 (K4-023), PS - City Hall Annex Boiler Upgrade, Angus Young, consultant. (Res No. 0034-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 01-26-16: That the work done by Angus Young, under contract 23-14 (K4-023), PS - City Hall Annex Boiler Upgrade, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $17,200.
Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 14-0138, dated April 2, 2014. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 7. | Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a list of Sidewalk, Sewer & Water Lateral and Sanitary Sewer to be included in the 2016 Public Hearings for 2017 construction. (Res No. 0035-16) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a list of Sidewalk, Sewer & Water Lateral and Sanitary Sewer to be included in the 2016 Public Hearings for 2017 construction. (Res No. 0035-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 01-26-16: A preliminary resolution be introduced for sidewalk, sewer & water lateral and sanitary sewer to be included in the 2016 Public Hearings for 2017 construction for the following streets:
Barbara Drive - Cul-de-sac to Golf Avenue
Lombard Avenue - North Main Street to Chatham Street
North Osborne Blvd - Fairway Drive to Ravine Drive
Sewer & Water Lateral
DeKoven Avenue - Clark Street to Racine Street
Kewaunee Street - North Main Street to Chatham Street
Sanitary Sewer
DeKoven Avenue - Clark Street to Racine Street
Kewaunee Street - North Main Street to Chatham Street
Fiscal Note: N/A | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 8. | Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20150019, Lake Michigan Pathway Phase III, Ray Hintz, Inc., contractor. (Res No. 0036-16) | Communication | Subject: Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20150019, Lake Michigan Pathway Phase III, Ray Hintz, Inc., contractor. (Res No. 0036-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 01-26-16: That Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20150019, Lake Michigan Pathway Phase lll, Ray Hintz, Inc., contractor, as submitted, be approved in the amount of $25,832.31.
Further recommends that funding to defray the cost of the change order be appropriated from the below Org-Objects:
$ 5,166.46 - Org-Object 45040-57550, DPW-Lake Michigan Pathway
$20,665.85 - Org-Object 2031-57550, State's Share Like MI Pathway
$25,832.31 - Total
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 9. | Final Payment on Contract 11-14 (K4-011), 2014 Concrete Reconstruction (R1), Stark Asphalt, contractor. (Res No. 0037-16) | Communication | Subject: Final Payment on Contract 11-14 (K4-011), 2014 Concrete Reconstruction (R1), Stark Asphalt, contractor. (Res No. 0037-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 01-26-16: That the work done by Stark Asphalt, under Contract 11-14 (K4-011), 2014 Concrete Reconstruction (R1), be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $2,407,229.65. Final Payment to include retainage.
Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 14-0135, dated April 2, 2014. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 10. | Final Payment on Contract 51-13 (K3-056), PS-Spring Street/Washington Park Streambank Stabilization, AECOM, consultant. (Res No. 0038-16) | Communication | Subject: Final Payment on Contract 51-13 (K3-056), PS-Spring Street/Washington Park Streambank Stabilization, AECOM, consultant. (Res No. 0038-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 01-26-16: That the work done by AECOM, under Contract 51-13 (K3-056), PS - Spring Street/Washington Park Streambank Stabilization, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $118,497.91.
Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 13-0297, dated July 16, 2013. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 11. | Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer requesting approval of the Transportation Project Plat and acquisition of property in fee and temporary limited easements for State Project ID: 2350-00-20, Hamilton Street/Douglas | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer requesting approval of the Transportation Project Plat and acquisition of property in fee and temporary limited easements for State Project ID: 2350-00-20, Hamilton Street/Douglas Avenue - Main Street to Goold Avenue. (Res No. 0039-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 12-8-15: Defer
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 01-26-16: That approval be granted for the Transportation Project Plat and acquisition of property in fee and temporary limited easements for State Project ID: 2350-00-20, Hamilton Street/Douglas Avenue - Main Street to Goold Avenue.
Fiscal Note: Funding for the fees and acquisition of the temporary limited easements is available in the 2016-2024 CIP budget. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available