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Meeting Name: Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda status: Revised
Meeting date/time: 8/7/2023 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 303
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
0785-23 A Subject: Communication from Mayor Mason requesting permission to enter into a Data Sharing Agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and the City of Racine. Recommendation to the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023:CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, requesting permission to enter into a Data Sharing Agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and the City of Racine. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to enter into a Data Sharing Agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and the City of Racine. Fiscal Note: There is no cost to the City.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0634-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, requesting to apply and accept an absentee ballot envelope sub-grant reimbursement from the Wisconsin Election Commission. (Grant #XXXXXX) Staff Recommendation: To approveCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, requesting to apply and accept an absentee ballot envelope sub-grant reimbursement from the Wisconsin Election Commission (Grant #00516). Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the 2023 absentee ballot envelope sub-grant reimbursement program MOU and apply and accept sub-grant funding through the Wisconsin Election Commission. Fiscal Note: The grant will reimburse up to $7,443.11 - No city match required.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0779-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, requesting to adopt the attached City of Racine Election Official Handbook. Staff Recommendation: To Approve Fiscal Note: N/ACommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, requesting permission to adopt the City of Racine Election Official Handbook. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the Common Council approve and adopt the City of Racine Election Official Handbook as amended to include: 1) A Reference of State Statute, 2) Wording around 1099 vendors, 3) Clarifying language on "Chain of Command" specifically in regards to mis-information claims. Fiscal Note: N/ARecommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0780-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, submitting the bid received for printing the Common Council Proceedings and legal notices through May 31, 2024. Staff Recommendation: That the City Clerk be authorized to awarCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, submitting the bid received for printing the Common Council Proceedings and legal notices through May 31, 2024. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the City Clerk be authorized to award the bid to The Journal Times, they being the sole and lowest responsible bidder. Fiscal Note: Rates as attached are currently budgeted for 2023 and will be included in the 2024 budget.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0778-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the Human Resources Benefits Manager, presenting the United Healthcare (UHC) Medicare Advantage plan agreement for renewal. Staff Recommendation: To approve the UHC Medicare Advantage plan aCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the Human Resources Benefits Manager, presenting the United Healthcare (UHC) Medicare Advantage plan renewal agreement for approval. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the Human Resources Dept. be authorized to approve the United Healthcare (UHC) Medicare Advantage plan renewal agreement as presented. Fiscal Note: Renewal includes a premium increase of 3.8%. The proposed premium will be $283.21 per member per month. Total annual cost for approximately 726 City members is $2,467,325.52 and the total annual cost for approximately 103 members of the Utilities is $350,047.56. Funds will be proposed in the 2024 budget.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0786-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the Finance Director, requesting permission to submit the presentation of the final 4th Quarter 2022 Fiscal Results, the 1st and 2nd Quarter 2023 Fiscal Results and the March 2023 and June 2023CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the Finance Director, requesting permission to submit the presentation of the final 4th Quarter 2022 Fiscal Results, the 1st and 2nd Quarter 2023 Fiscal Results and the March 2023 and June 2023 Investment summary. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: To Receive and File. Fiscal Note: N/AReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
0788-23 A Subject: Communication from Mayor Mason requesting approval of a Determination of Necessity for acquisition of commercial properties for the Lincoln-King Neighborhood Redevelopment Project. Recommendation to the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, requesting approval of a Determination of Necessity for acquisition of commercial properties for the Lincoln-King Neighborhood Redevelopment Project, specifically 1415 Hamilton Street, Parcel ID 276000003136000; 1440 West Street, Parcel ID 276000002615000; 1430 West Street, Parcel ID 276000002614000. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the Determination of Necessity for acquisition of commercial properties for the Lincoln-King Neighborhood Redevelopment Project per approved. Fiscal Note: To be determined.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0784-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney, requesting the City Attorney present a proposed settlement for the litigation in the matter of Evans v. Matson and Rasmussen, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of WisconsiCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney, requesting the City Attorney present a proposed settlement for the litigation in the matter of Evans v. Matson and Rasmussen, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin, Case Number 2:20-cv-00476-LA. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: To approve the settlement as presented and authorize the City Attorney to execute a settlement agreement. Fiscal Note: $20,000 to be paid from 11202 53500 Judgment and Claims.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0782-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Endel Williams for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation to the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the claim be dCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Endel Williams for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/ARecommended For ApprovalPass Action details Not available
0783-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Patrick Fagan for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation to the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the claim be diCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Patrick Fagan for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/ARecommended For Approval  Action details Not available