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Meeting Name: Waterworks Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/23/2014 4:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Annex - Room 227
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
14-10561 A3.Approval of Finance Committee MinutesCommunicationSubject: Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Waterworks Finance Committee Held on September 3, 2014 Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-10562 A4.Aug 2014 Budget ExpendituresCommunicationSubject: Budget Expenditures for August 2014 Totaling $1,552,871.91 Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-10563 A5.Project ReportsCommunicationSubject: Project Reports: A) Highway V Water Main Status Update B) Update on Water Main Construction Projects C) Mailing of Delinquent Notices Recommendation: Receive and FileReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
14-10564 A6.CO #1 - Contract W-13-4CommunicationSubject: Change Order No. 1 on Contract W-13-4, 2013 Pavement Replacement, RAZA of Racine, LLC (Contractor) Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-10565 A7.Final Pay Request - Contract W-13-4CommunicationSubject: Final Pay Request on Contract W-13-4, 2013 Pavement Replacement, RAZA of Racine, LLC (Contractor) Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-10566 A8.Final Pay Request - Contract W-14-4CommunicationSubject: Final Pay Request on Contract W-14-4, Perry Avenue Booster Station Roof Replacement Project, Carlson Racine Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc. (Contractor) Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-10581 A9.CO #5 - Contract W-11-6CommunicationSubject: Change Order No. 5 on Contract W-11-6, Filter Wash Pumps VFD Replacement, Butters-Fetting Co., Inc. (Contractor) Recommendation: ApproveDeferredPass Action details Not available
14-10595 A10.Reduction in Retainage - Contract W-11-6CommunicationSubject: Request for Reduction in Retainage on Contract W-11-6, Filter Wash Water Pumps VFD Replacement, Butters-Fetting Co., Inc. (Contractor) Recommendation: Receive and FileDeferredPass Action details Not available
14-10488 A11.Medical Exp Premium RaiseCommunicationSubject: Policy Decision on Raising Employee Share of Medical Expense Premium from 7.5% to 10% Recommendation: Approve to keep employee share of medical expense premium at 7.5% with the option of participating in a 5% premium plan with a higher out-of-pocket expenseApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-10580 A12.Proposed REC Fee PolicyCommunicationSubject: Proposed Policy Regarding REC Fees for Large Developments Recommendation: ApproveDeferredPass Action details Not available
14-10588 A13.ACT 274 Proposed PolicyCommunicationSubject: Proposed Policy to Implement ACT 274 Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-8088 A GM Submittal of Resolution on Well PermittingCommunicationSubject: Communication from the General Manager Submitting a Suggested Ordinance Change Regarding Well Permitting - Joe Muratore Invited to the Meeting Recommendation: Receive and File   Action details Not available
14-10592 A14.Resolution 2014-1CommunicationSubject: Resolution 2014-1 - Highway V Water Main Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-8375 A MJ Construction Lien Waiver - Contract W-12-5CommunicationSubject: Lien Waiver Filed on Contract W-12-5, South Side Water Main Replacement, MJ Construction, Inc. (Contractor) Recommendation: Receive and File   Action details Not available
14-10567 A15.Submittal of 2015 O&M/Capital Improvements Budget (Res. No. 14-0474)CommunicationSubject: Submittal of the Report of the Finance Committee of the Racine Waterworks Commission Regarding Year 2015 Water Utility Operations and Maintenance Budget and the 2015-2019 Capital Improvements Budget Recommending Adoption (Res. No. 14-0474) Recommendation of the Racine Waterworks Commission on 9/23/14: To adopt Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 11-12-2014: the Item be approved. Fiscal Note: copies of the 2015 Water Utility Operations and Maintenance Budget and the 2015-2019 Capital Improvements Budget are on file in the Office of the Finance Director.Recommended For AdoptionPass Action details Not available
14-10568 A16.Election of OfficersCommunicationSubject: Election of Officers Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available