| A | | | Conditional Use Permit | Subject: Consideration of a request from Alex Martinez, representing El Cielo Church, for a conditional use permit to operate a religious institution, classified as a Class 1 non-commercial type use, in an existing building at 2051 Lathrop Avenue in a B-2 Community Shopping District as allowed by Section 114-468 of the Municipal Code. | | |
Not available
Not available
| A | | | Conditional Use Permit | Subject: Consideration of a request from Brijesh Patel for a major amendment to a conditional use permit to add a drive-thru to the existing Dairy Queen in a B-2 Community Shopping District as allowed by Section 114-468 of the Municipal Code. | | |
Not available
Not available
| A | | | Communication | Subject: Consideration of a request from Clint Woodman of Woodman's Food Market, for approval of a Two-Lot Certified Survey Map, prepared by Eric R. Sturm of RA Smith, for the property at 5502 and 5403 Durand Avenue. | | |
Not available
Not available