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Meeting Name: Public Safety and Licensing Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/12/2019 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 307
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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0144-19 A Subject: (Direct Referral) Request of the Committee for the appearance of Logan C. Tyler, applicant for an Operator's License.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Request of the Committee for the appearance of Logan C. Tyler, applicant for an Operator's License. Recommendation from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-12-19: That the operator license application for Logan C. Tyler be deferred for two weeks so that the applicant can provide the committee with a letter of rehabilitation from employer. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-19: That the operator license application for Logan C. Tyler be deferred for two weeks. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 03-12-19: That the operator license application for Logan C. Tyler be approved. Fiscal Note: N/ADeferred  Action details Not available
0145-19 A Subject: (Direct Referral) Request of the Committee for the appearance of Derek A Hill, applicant for an Operator's License.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Request of the Committee for the appearance of Derek A Hill, applicant for an Operator's License. Recommendation from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-12-19: That the operator license application for Derek A. Hill be denied. Fiscal Note: N/ARecommended For Denial  Action details Not available
0146-19 A Subject: (Direct Referral) Request of the Committee for the appearance of Carl Stewart, applicant for an Operator's License.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Request of the Committee for the appearance of Carl Stewart, applicant for an Operator's License. Recommendation from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-12-19: That the operator license application for Carl Stewart be denied. Fiscal Note: N/ARecommended For Denial  Action details Not available
0147-19 A Subject: (Direct Referral) Request of the Committee for the appearance of Richard Zicarelli, applicant for an Operator's License.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Request of the Committee for the appearance of Richard Zicarelli, applicant for an Operator's License. Recommendation from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-12-19: That the operator license application for Richard Zicarelli be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Not available
0150-19 A (Direct Referral) Request the appearance of Jacqueline Lagrone, Agent for Truth Sports Bar, located at 1436 Junction Ave, for a formal expression of concern to discuss recent incidents occurring at this location.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Request the appearance of Jacqueline Lagrone, Agent for Truth Sports Bar, located at 1436 Junction Ave, for a formal expression of concern to discuss recent incidents occurring at this location. Recommendation from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-12-19: The Committee request that the communication be Received and Filed. Fiscal Note: N/AReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
0131-19 A Communication from the Alderman of the 1st District requesting that City of Racine Ordinance 70-89 be amended to permit glass containers to be used for the serving and containment of beverages within the lands, facilities, and premises of Festival Hall, FCommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Coe requesting that City of Racine Ordinance 70-89 be amended to permit glass containers to be used for the serving and containment of beverages within the lands, facilities, and premises of Festival Hall, Festival Park grounds, and Rotary Park, as well as those areas within other City Parks encompassing permitted “licensed premises” associated within a City-sanctioned Beer garden, so long as said containers represent non-disposable, commemorative glassware designed to be re-filled provided by, or as a part of, City-sanctioned events within said premises. (Ord. 0005-19) Recommendation from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-12-19: That the communication from Alder Coe requesting that City of Racine Ordinance 70-89 be amended to permit glass containers to be used for the serving and containment of beverages within the lands, facilities, and premises of Festival Hall, Festival Park grounds, and Rotary Park, as well as those areas within other City Parks encompassing permitted “licensed premises” associated within a City-sanctioned BeerRecommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0110-19 A (Direct Referral) Communication from the Purchasing Agent submitting bids received for the sale of Abandoned Vehicles, January 24, 2019.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Purchasing Agent submitting bids received for the sale of Abandoned Vehicles, January 24, 2019. Recommendation from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-12-19: That the item be Received and Filed as the highest responsible bidder from the two bids was Waukesha Iron & Metal. Fiscal Note: This will generate $9,940.00 in revenue for account 13101 48301.Recommended to be Received and Filed  Action details Not available
0140-19 A (Direct Referral) Licensed Premise Report for February 12, 2019.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Licensed Premise Report for February 12, 2019. Recommendation from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-12-19: That the licensed premise report for 02-12-19 be received and filed. Fiscal Note: N/AReceived and Filed  Action details Not available