| A | 1. | Communication from The Rhino Bar (1659 N. Main St.) and Liz Garbo, requesting to close High Street between Main Street and Chatham Street for the Project ALS fundraiser on August 22, 2015. (Res No. 15-0305) | Communication | Subject: Communication from The Rhino Bar (1659 N. Main St.) and Liz Garbo, requesting to close High Street between Main Street and Chatham Street for the Project ALS fundraiser on August 22, 2015. (Res No. 15-0305)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-28-15: That the Rhino Bar be granted permission to close High Street from Main Street to Chatham Street on Saturday, August 22, 2015, from 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M., in conjunction with the Project ALS fundraiser, with the following stipulations:
A. A hold harmless agreement be executed and a $75.00 processing fee paid.
B. A liability insurance certificate be filed prior to this event.
C. Any overtime costs incurred by any City department be charged to the sponsor.
D. The sponsor shall notify all abutting property owners seventy-two (72) hours in advance of this event.
E. No alcoholic beverages will be sold and/or dispensed within the street right-of-way.
F. The sponsor shall pay a $250.00 special event fee.
G. If required, sponsor shall be responsible for submitting a Temporary Traffic Control Plan | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 2. | Communication from the Marketing Communications Manager at CASE Construction requesting a road closure on Lake Avenue on Labor Day in conjunction with an event that they are planning to have at Festival Hall. | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Marketing Communications Manager at CASE Construction requesting a road closure on Lake Avenue, from 4th Street to 5th Street, on Labor Day, September 7, 2015, in conjunction with an event that they are planning to have at Festival Hall.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-28-15: Receive and file.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Recommended to be Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 3. | Bid results on Contract 20150031, Solbraa Park Shelter Rehabilitation. | Communication | Subject: Bid results on Contract 20150031, Solbraa Park Shelter Rehabilitation.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-28-15: There were no bids for this project. This contract will be re-bid at a later date.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Recommended to be Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 4. | Bid results on Contract 20150040, 2015 Sewer Lining. (Res No. 15-0306) | Communication | Subject: Bid results on Contract 20150040, 2015 Sewer Lining. (Res No. 15-0306)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-28-15: That Contract 20150040, 2015 Sewer Lining, be awarded to Visu-Sewer, Inc., at their bid price of $882,896.75, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of this public works project be appropriated from Org-Object 22640-57560, Sanitary Sewers.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 5. | Bid results on Contract 20150045, CDBG Hantschel Park Shelter Replacement. | Communication | Subject: Bid results on Contract 20150045, CDBG Hantschel Park Shelter Replacement.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-28-15: There were no bids for this project. This contract will be re-bid at a later date.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Recommended to be Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 6. | Bid results on Contract 20150041, City Hall Tuck Pointing. (Res No. 15-0307) | Communication | Subject: Bid results on Contract 20150041, City Hall Tuck Pointing. (Res No. 15-0307)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-28-15: That Contract 20150041, City Hall Tuck Pointing, be awarded to Abel Building Restoration, Inc., at their bid price of $89,000, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of this public works project be appropriated from Org-Object 45040-57200, City Hall-Tuckpointing.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 7. | Bid results on Contract 20150042, City Hall Annex Tuck Pointing. (Res No. 15-0308) | Communication | Subject: Bid results on Contract 20150042, City Hall Annex Tuck Pointing. (Res No. 15-0308)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-28-15: That Contract 20150042, City Hall Annex Tuck Pointing, be awarded to Abel Building Restoration, Inc., at their bid price of $77,000, plus Alternate #1 bid of $69,000, plus Alternate #2 bid of $71,000 for a total bid of $217,000, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of this public works project be appropriated from Org-Object 45040-57200, Annex-Tuckpointing.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 8. | Bid results on Contract 20150017, City Hall Renovations - Phase VII (R1). (Res No. 15-0309) | Communication | Subject: Bid results on Contract 20150017, City Hall Renovations - Phase VII (R1). (Res No. 15-0309)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-28-15: That Contract 20150017, City Hall Renovations - Phase Vll (R1), be awarded to Corporate Contractors, Inc., at their bid price of $292,780, plus Alternate #1 bid of $166,678, plus Alternate #2 bid of $18,494 for a total bid of $477,952, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of this public works project be appropriated from Org-Object 45040-57200, City Hall-Facilities Plan.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 9. | Change Order No. 2 on Contract 17-14 (K4-017), Racine Streambank Stabilization, Native Construction and Landscaping, Contractor. (Res No. 15-0310) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Change Order No. 2 on Contract 17-14 (K4-017), Racine Streambank Stabilization, Native Construction and Landscaping, contractor. (Res No. 15-0310)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-28-15: That Change Order No. 2 on Contract 17-14 (K4-017), Racine Streambank Stabilization, Native Construction and Landscaping, contractor, as submitted, be approved in the amount of $49,638.05.
Further recommends that funding to defray the cost of the change order be appropriated from the following Org-Objects:
($ 1,500.00) - Org-Object 60484-57110, Wash Prk Streambank A, UNP (Spring St.)/Land Improv
$51,138.05 - Org-Object 60484-57110, Wash Park Streambank B, (Wash Park)/Land Improv
$49,638.05 - Total
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 10. | Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20150039, 2015 Sanitary Sewer - Echo Lane (R1), A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc., contractor. (Res No. 15-0311) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20150039, 2015 Sanitary Sewer - Echo Lane (R1), A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc., contractor. (Res No. 15-0311)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-28-15: That Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20150039, 2015 Sanitary Sewer - Echo Lane (R1), A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc., contractor, as submitted, be approved in the amount of $34,225.00.
Further recommends that funding to defray the cost of the change order be appropriated from Org-Object 40102-57560, RWWU-Sewer Relay.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | 11. | Amendment No. 2 to State Project ID: 2440-09-00, Washington Avenue (STH 20) - Roosevelt Avenue to West Boulevard. (Res No. 15-0312) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Amendment No. 2 to State Project ID: 2440-09-00, Washington Avenue (STH 20) - Roosevelt Avenue to West Boulevard. (Res No. 15-0312)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-28-15: That Amendment No. 2 to State Project ID: 2440-09-00, Washington Avenue (STH 20) - Roosevelt Avenue to West Boulevard, as submitted, be approved. Amendment No. 2 is in the not-to-exceed amount of $19,589.43, with the City's share being $4,897.36 or 25%, and the State's share being $14,692.07 or 75%, bringing the total contract amount to $1,618,566.53.
Further recommends that funding to defray the cost of this amendment be appropriated from Org-Object 45040-57500, DPW-Paving.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available