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Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/3/2023 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 205
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
0961-23 A Subject: White Cane Safety DayCommunicationSubject: White Cane Safety Day   Action details Not available
0906-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder McCarthy, on behalf of the Wastewater Commission, requesting approval of a Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of up to $23,367,711 Wastewater Utility Revenue Bonds, series 2023b, and providing for otherCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder McCarthy, on behalf of the Wastewater Commission, requesting approval of a Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of up to $23,367,711 Wastewater Utility Revenue Bonds, series 2023b, and providing for other details and covenants with respect thereto. Recommendation of the Wastewater Commission on 09-19-23: To Approve a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of up to $23,367,711 Wastewater Utility Revenue Bonds, series 2023b, and providing for other details and covenants with respect thereto, with a referral to the Finance & Personnel Committee. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 09-25-2023: That the Wastewater Commission be granted approval to authorize the issuance and sale of up to $23,367,711 Wastewater Utility Revenue Bonds, series 2023b, and providing for other details and covenants with respect thereto. Fiscal Note: The Wastewater Utility Revenue Bonds (Clean Water Fund Loan) is in the amount $23,367,711. Loan is for 20 years and has an interest rate of 2.190% and ($2,050,000) Principal ForgiveApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0942-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Wet, on behalf of the Commissioner of Public Works, requesting permission to apply for the FFY 2024 - FFY 2028 STP-Urban Program funds through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the resurfacing of SpriCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the Commissioner of Public Works, requesting permission to apply for the FFY 2024 - FFY 2028 STP-Urban Program funds through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the resurfacing of Spring Street (Fairway Drive to Valley View Drive and 170’ East of East Colonial Drive to 164’ East of Domanik Drive, excluding the bridge over the Root River) Grant Control #530. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 09-25-2023: That the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to for apply for the FFY 2024 - FFY 2028 STP-Urban Program funds through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the resurfacing of Spring Street (Fairway Drive to Valley View Drive and 170’ East of East Colonial Drive to 164’ East of Domanik Drive, excluding the bridge over the Root River) Grant Control #530. Fiscal Note: The estimated grant amount is $2,792,000 with a required city match of $1,198,000. Funds for this project shall be appropriated in the 2024-33 Capital Improvement Program.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0943-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the Finance Director, submitting bid results for Official Notice #10-2023 RFP Audit Services Contract #2023213 Staff Recommendation: Contract #2023213- RFP Audit Services be awarded to BakeCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the Finance Director, submitting bid results for Official Notice #10-2023 RFP Audit Services Contract #2023213. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 09-25-2023: That Contract #2023213 - RFP Audit Services be awarded to Baker Tilly US LLP for the amount of $93,500. Fiscal Note: Funding is proposed in the 2024 budget for $93,500 in 11101 52120 Finance-Audit Services $83,500 and 60282014 52120-Transit Audit Services $10,000Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0923-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the City Engineer, requesting extension of Underground Utility Locate Services. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 09.26.23: That the Purchasing Agent be authoCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the City Engineer, requesting extension of Underground Utility Locate Services. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 09.26.23: That the Purchasing Agent be authorized and directed to extend the agreement, from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, with Precise Underground Marketing Corporation, for providing underground facility locating services for City-owned fiber optic and electrical systems with a per ticket price of the following: Pre-Screens 16.39, Locates $21.00, Site Visit $21.00, Emergency (During business hours) $35.42, Emergency (After business hours) $71.55, Projects $44.50. Fiscal Note: Estimated contract amount is $90,000 funding is available in Org-Obj-14012-52100, Lighting-Professional Services.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0925-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the City Engineer submitting a Three Party Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City of Racine, WisDOT, and Strand Associates, Inc., for State Project ID: 2703-07-02, Lathrop ACommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the City Engineer, submitting a Three Party Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City of Racine, WisDOT, and Strand Associates, Inc., for State Project ID: 2703-07-02, Lathrop Avenue, Republic Avenue to 13th Street. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 09-26-23: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to enter into a three-party professional engineering services agreement between the City of Racine, WisDOT, and Strand Associates, Inc., for State Project ID: 22703-07-02, Lathrop Avenue, Republic Avenue to 13th Street in the not-to-exceed amount of $448,393.48, with the City's share being $104,193.48 (23%) and the State's share being $344,200.00 (77% -capped amount). Fiscal Note: Funding is available in Org-Object 45040-57500-4003 in the '23-32 Capital Improvement Plan.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0926-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the City Engineer, submitting Change Order No.1 to Contract 2023119 - Alley Grading, LaLonde Contractors Inc., Contractors. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee onCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the City Engineer, submitting Change Order No.1 to Contract 2023119 - Alley Grading, LaLonde Contractors Inc., Contractors. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 09.26.23: That Change Order No.1 to Contract 2023119 - Alley Grading, LaLonde Contractors Inc., Contractors, be approved in the deduct amount of ($36,909.18). Fiscal Note: Funding for this change order is credited in the following Org-Objects: 45040 57500 DPW Paving.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0927-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, to submit final payment for Contract 2023119 - Alley Grading, LaLonde Contractors Inc., Contractors. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services ComCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting final payment for Contract 2023119 - Alley Grading, LaLonde Contractors Inc., Contractors. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 09.26.23: That the work completed by LaLonde Contractors, Inc., Contractors, on Contract 2023119- Alley Grading be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract of $56,548.87. Final Payment to include retainage. Fiscal Note: Contract 2023119 was authorized under Resolution No.0537-233 dated June 6, 2023.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0929-23 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the City Engineer, submitting Change Order No.1 to Contract 2023021 - CDBG Street Lighting, WIL-Surge Electric, Inc., Contractors. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 09.26.23: That Change Order No.1 to Contract 2023021 - CDBG Street Lighting, WIL-Surge Electric, Inc., Contractors, be approved in the amount of $160,681.45. Fiscal Note: Funding for this change order is available in the following Org-Objects: $80,000.00 20045 57520 2023CDBG $80,681.45 45040 57520 GOB Street Lights $160,681.45 TotalApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0938-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting Change Order No.3 to Contract 2022084 - Island Park Tennis Courts/Lockwood Path, DK Contractors, Inc., Contractors. Staff RecommendatiCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting Change Order No.3 to Contract 2022084 - Island Park Tennis Courts/Lockwood Path, DK Contractors, Inc., Contractors. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 09.26.23 That Change Order No.3 to Contract 2022084 - Island Park Tennis Courts/Lockwood Path, DK Contractors, Inc., Contractors, be approved in the amount of $31,570.96. Fiscal Note: Funding for this change order is available in the following Org-Objects:45050 57110 - Parks Land Improvements.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0939-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, to submit final payment for Contract 2022084 - Island Park Tennis Courts/Lockwood Path, DK Contractors, Inc., Contractors. Staff Recommendation tCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting final payment for Contract 2022084 - Island Park Tennis Courts/Lockwood Path, DK Contractors, Inc., Contractors. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 09.26.23: That the work completed by DK Contractors, Inc., Contractors, on Contract 2022084 - Island Park Tennis Courts/Lockwood Path be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract of $544,592.56. Final Payment to include retainage. Fiscal Note: Contract 2022084 was authorized under Resolution No.0543-22 dated August 16, 2022.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0915-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete submitting an application for a "Class B" Club Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Racine CC LLC DBA Racine Country Club, located at 2801 Northwestern Ave. Racine, WI 53404, EvCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete submitting a change of ownership application for a "Class B" Club Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Racine CC LLC DBA Racine Country Club, located at 2801 Northwestern Ave. Racine, WI 53404, Evan Pettibone, Agent. (6th District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 09-25-2023: That the change of ownership application for a "Class B" Club Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Racine CC LLC DBA Racine Country Club, located at 2801 Northwestern Ave. Racine, WI 53404, Evan Pettibone, Agent. (6th District), be Approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0941-23 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, requesting any consideration, any formal expression of concern, or other actions pursuant to the police report. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 9-25-2023: To request the appearance of Duo Bar located at 1102 Mound Ave, David Lewis, Agent, Roberta located at 322 Sixth St, Roberta Schulz, Agent and Hi-O Headquarters located at 1816 Seventeenth St, Michael Henes, Agent, be Approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0946-23 A Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Transit & Mobility Director, requesting authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a WisGo Services Agreement with Milwaukee Transport Services, Inc. for touchless fare payment. StaffCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Transit & Mobility Director, requesting authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a WisGo Services Agreement with Milwaukee Transport Services, Inc. for touchless fare payment. Staff Recommendation: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into a WisGo Services Agreement with Milwaukee Transport Services, Inc. for touchless fare payment. Fiscal Note: Total approximate cost of the project is $155,000. Capital cost approximate amount $115,000. Grant amount being $92,000, local match of $23,000. (Grant Control #00527) Operating approximate amount $40,000, available in 2024 Budget 60282014 54500 Software Maintenance.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0951-23 A Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason presenting the following appointment for approval:CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason presenting the following appointment for approval: Kimberly Payne to the Due Process Board for a term expiring April 30, 2024.ApprovedPass Action details Not available