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Meeting Name: Public Works and Services Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/29/2016 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 303
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
0254-16 A1.Communication from Abdel Jawad, Metro Wireless, LLC., requesting permission to place a sign over City right-of-way at 1639 Douglas Avenue. (Res No. 0104-16)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from Abdel Jawad, Metro Wireless, LLC., requesting permission to place a sign over City right-of-way at 1639 Douglas Avenue. (Res No. 0104-16) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-29-16: That the property owner at 1639 Douglas Avenue (Metro Wireless, LLC.) is granted permission to install a stationary projecting sign, as requested, with the stipulation that a hold harmless agreement be executed and a $150.00 processing fee paid, in accordance with the State Statute 66.0425, Privileges in Streets. Fiscal Note: There will be no cost to the City of Racine.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0243-16 A2.Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/Operations requesting to amend Resolution 0062-16, of March 1, 2016, to include the request to use the Civic Centre Ramp and Lakefront Lot No. 5 for The Color Run parking on May 28, 2016. (ResCommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/Operations requesting to amend Resolution 0062-16, of March 1, 2016, to include the request to use the Civic Centre Ramp and Lakefront Lot No. 5 for The Color Run parking on May 28, 2016. (Res No. 0105-16) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-29-16: That Resolution 0062-16, of March 1, 2016, be amended to include the request to use the Civic Centre Ramp and Lakefront Lot No. 5 for The Color Run parking on May 28, 2016. Fiscal Note: $1,098 will be generated in revenue for the parking system.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0220-16 A3.Bid results on Contract 20160002, 2016 Concrete Street Reconstruction (R1). (Res No. 0106-16)CommunicationSubject: Bid results on Contract 20160002, 2016 Concrete Street Reconstruction (R1). (Res No. 0106-16) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-29-16: That bids for Contract 20160002, 2016 Concrete Street Reconstruction (R1), be awarded to LaLonde Contractors, Inc. at their bid price of $991,736.18, it being the lowest responsible bidder. Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of this public works project be appropriated from the below Org-Objects: $187,141.40 - Org-Object 60484-57570, Storm Sewers $664,415.96 - Org-Object 45040-57500, DPW Paving $ 24,380.00 - Org-Object 22640-57560, Sanitary Sewers $109,511.25 - Org-Object 45040-57530, DPW Traffic Control $ 6,287.57 - Org-Object 45040-57515, DPW Sidewalks $991,736.18 - Total Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0237-16 A4.Professional services agreement from AECOM for Contract 20160023, PS - 2016 Pavement Inspection & Planning. (Res No. 0107-16)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a professional services agreement from AECOM for Contract 20160023, PS - 2016 Pavement Inspection & Planning. (Res No. 0107-16) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-29-16: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to enter into a professional services agreement with AECOM, on Contract 20160023, PS - 2016 Pavement Inspection & Planning, in the not-to-exceed amount of $83,900.00. Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of these professional services be appropriated from Org-Object 14002-52100, Professional Services - Engineering. Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0219-16 A5.Revision 1 to State Municipal Agreement for State Project ID: 2703-00-02, West 6th Street Bridge Project. (Res No. 0108-16)CommunicationSubject: Revision 1 to State Municipal Agreement for State Project ID: 2703-00-02, West 6th Street Bridge Project. (Res No. 0108-16) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-29-16: That Revision 1 to State Municipal Agreement for State Project ID: 2703-00-02, West 6th Street Bridge Project, as submitted, be approved. Fiscal Note: This is a no-cost revision. Funding to defray the cost of this revision is allocated in the 2015-2024 CIP Budget.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0212-16 A6.Final Payment on Contract 43-14 (K4-043), PS - 2014 Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program Support, AECOM, consultant. (Res No. 0109-16)CommunicationSubject: Final Payment on Contract 43-14 (K4-043), PS - 2014 Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program Support, AECOM, consultant. (Res No. 0109-16) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-29-16: That the work done by AECOM, under Contract 43-14 (K4-043), PS - 2014 Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program Support, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $19,988.30. Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 14-0301, dated July 15, 2014.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0245-16 A7.Change Order No. 2 on Contract 20150056, 2015 Storm Sewer Relay, A.W. Oakes & Sons, Inc., contractor. (Res No. 0110-16)CommunicationSubject: Change Order No. 2 on Contract 20150056, 2015 Storm Sewer Relay, A.W. Oakes & Sons, Inc., contractor. (Res No. 0110-16) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-29-16: That Change Order No. 2 on Contract 20150056, 2015 Storm Sewer Relay, A.W. Oakes & Sons, Inc., contractor, as submitted, be approved in the amount of $47,587.00. Further recommends that funding to defray the cost of the change order be appropriated from Org-Object 60484-57570, Storm Sewers. Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0246-16 A8.Final Payment on Contract 20150056, 2015 Storm Sewer Relay, A.W. Oakes & Sons, Inc., contractor. (Res No. 0111-16)CommunicationSubject: Final Payment on Contract 20150056, 2015 Storm Sewer Relay, A.W. Oakes & Sons, Inc., contractor. (Res No. 0111-16) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-29-16: That the work done by A.W. Oakes & Sons, Inc., under Contract 20150056, 2015 Storm Sewer Relay, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $237,731.50. Final Payment to include retainage. Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 15-0354, dated September 15, 2015.Recommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0265-16 A9.Communication from the Commissioner of Public Works submitting a proposed 2016 Sidewalk Inspection Maintenance and Replacement Program. (Res No. 0242-16)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Commissioner of Public Works submitting a proposed 2016 Sidewalk Inspection Maintenance and Replacement Program. (Res No. 0242-16) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-29-16: Defer Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-12-16: Defer Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-10-16: Defer Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-31-16: Defer Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 06-14-16: Revise the sidewalk inspection criteria to conform to Federal Highway Administration and U.S. Assess Board recommendations and guidelines as detailed in the Criteria for Inspection of Sidewalks in the Right-Of-Way dated May 2016. Establish a 2016 pilot management program that prioritizes annual inspections and repairs/replacements in the following order: 1. Locations of resident/staff submitted complaints. 2. Sidewalk repairs and replacements as a portion of street reconstruction contracts. 3. Priority locatDeferred  Action details Not available
0266-16 A10.(Direct Referal) Communication from the Commissioner of Public Works requesting to waive formal bidding procedures for the Sidewalk Inspection and Concrete Shaving Services. (Res No. 0112-16)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Commissioner of Public Works requesting to waive formal bidding procedures for the Sidewalk Inspection and Concrete Shaving Services. (Res No. 0112-16) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-29-16: The request of the Purchasing Agent to waive formal bidding procedures be approved in accordance with Racine Municipal Code Section 46-28 that allows for the waiving of formal public bids for purchase over $25,000 for the purpose of maintaining uniformity of equipment and services. Further recommends that the Purchasing Agent be authorized and directed to purchase and negotiate with Safe Step Incorporated, a franchisee of Precision Concrete Cutting, for the provision of visually inspecting portions of the City’s sidewalk system to identify trip hazards as well as sections of sidewalk that should be removed/replaced or mud-jacked, and for the abatement of specific trip hazards on sidewalks via a proprietary angled saw-cutting technique to create sloped transitions meeting the Americans with Disabilities Act staRecommended For Approval  Action details Not available
0253-16 A11.Public Information Presentation for Solid Waste Automation.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Public Information Presentation for Solid Waste Automation. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-29-16: Defer Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-12-16: Receive and file. Fiscal Note: N/ADeferred  Action details Not available