| A | | Grant Increase $4000.00 CLG sub-grant (Res No. 14-0254) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Request from the Assistant Director of City Development to accept from the Wisconsin Historical Society a $4,000 increase to a Certified Local Government sub-grant for the preparation of a nomination of a property to the National Register of Historic Places. (Grant Control Number 2013-33) (Res No. 14-0254)
Recommendation of the Landmarks Preservation Commission on 5-12-14: That the acceptance of the $4000 increase to a Certified Local Government sub-grant for the preparation of a property to the National Register of Historic Places be approved.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 6-9-14: Authorize the Assistant Director of City Development to accept from the Wisconsin Historical Society a $4,000 increase to a Certified Local Government sub-grant for the preparation of a nomination of a property to the National Register of Historic Places. (Grant Control Number 2013-33)
Fiscal Note: There is no city match required. (Grant Control #2013-33) | | |
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