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Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/15/2023 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 205
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
0842-23 A Subject: Women's Equality DayCommunicationSubject: Women's Equality Day   Action details Not available
0785-23 A Subject: Communication from Mayor Mason requesting permission to enter into a Data Sharing Agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and the City of Racine. Recommendation to the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023:CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, requesting permission to enter into a Data Sharing Agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and the City of Racine. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to enter into a Data Sharing Agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and the City of Racine. Fiscal Note: There is no cost to the City.ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
0634-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, requesting to apply and accept an absentee ballot envelope sub-grant reimbursement from the Wisconsin Election Commission. (Grant #XXXXXX) Staff Recommendation: To approveCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, requesting to apply and accept an absentee ballot envelope sub-grant reimbursement from the Wisconsin Election Commission (Grant #00516). Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the 2023 absentee ballot envelope sub-grant reimbursement program MOU and apply and accept sub-grant funding through the Wisconsin Election Commission. Fiscal Note: The grant will reimburse up to $7,443.11 - No city match required.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0779-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, requesting to adopt the attached City of Racine Election Official Handbook. Staff Recommendation: To Approve Fiscal Note: N/ACommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, requesting permission to adopt the City of Racine Election Official Handbook. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the Common Council approve and adopt the City of Racine Election Official Handbook as amended to include: 1) A Reference of State Statute, 2) Wording around 1099 vendors, 3) Clarifying language on "Chain of Command" specifically in regards to mis-information claims. Fiscal Note: N/AApprovedPass Action details Video Video
0780-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, submitting the bid received for printing the Common Council Proceedings and legal notices through May 31, 2024. Staff Recommendation: That the City Clerk be authorized to awarCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Clerk, submitting the bid received for printing the Common Council Proceedings and legal notices through May 31, 2024. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the City Clerk be authorized to award the bid to The Journal Times, they being the sole and lowest responsible bidder. Fiscal Note: Rates as attached are currently budgeted for 2023 and will be included in the 2024 budget.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0788-23 A Subject: Communication from Mayor Mason requesting approval of a Determination of Necessity for acquisition of commercial properties for the Lincoln-King Neighborhood Redevelopment Project. Recommendation to the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, requesting approval of a Determination of Necessity for acquisition of commercial properties for the Lincoln-King Neighborhood Redevelopment Project, specifically 1415 Hamilton Street, Parcel ID 276000003136000; 1440 West Street, Parcel ID 276000002615000; 1430 West Street, Parcel ID 276000002614000. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the Determination of Necessity for acquisition of commercial properties for the Lincoln-King Neighborhood Redevelopment Project per approved. Fiscal Note: To be determined.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0784-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney, requesting the City Attorney present a proposed settlement for the litigation in the matter of Evans v. Matson and Rasmussen, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of WisconsiCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney, requesting the City Attorney present a proposed settlement for the litigation in the matter of Evans v. Matson and Rasmussen, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin, Case Number 2:20-cv-00476-LA. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: To approve the settlement as presented and authorize the City Attorney to execute a settlement agreement. Fiscal Note: $20,000 to be paid from 11202 53500 Judgment and Claims.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0782-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Endel Williams for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation to the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the claim be dCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Endel Williams for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0783-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Patrick Fagan for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation to the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the claim be diCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder West, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Patrick Fagan for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 08-07-2023: That the claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0765-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting bid results for Contract 2023162 Sidewalk Replacement. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That Contract 2CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting bid results for Contract 2023162 Sidewalk Replacement. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That Contract 2023162 Sidewalk Replacement, be awarded to Beardsley Concrete LLC, in the amount of $226,618.20, they being the lowest responsible, responsive bidder. Fiscal Note: Funding is available in the following Org-Objects: 40101 57515 - SidewalksApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0766-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting bid results for Contract 2023130 Marquette Park Basketball Courts. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee onCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting bid results for Contract 2023130 Marquette Park Basketball Courts CDBG. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That Contract 2023130 Marquette Park Basketball Courts CDBG, be awarded to Bradford Contractors LLC, in the amount of $174,216.00, they being the lowest responsible, responsive bidder. Fiscal Note: Funding is available in the following Org-Objects: $140,000 - 60000036 Brks&Mrtr. Park & Rec Marquette $32,216- 45050 57110 GO Bonds Land ImprovementsApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0767-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting bid results for Contract 2023201 Sam Meyers Park Restoration. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: TCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting bid results for Contract 2023201 Sam Meyers Park Restoration. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That Contract 2023201 Sam Meyers Park Restoration, be awarded to A.W. Oakes & Son Inc., in the amount of $377,050.00, they being the lowest responsible, responsive bidder. Fiscal Note: Funding is available in the following Org-Objects: $32,205.33 - Account 45050 57110 - Land Improvements $110,000 - Account 20302 57110 20117 Fish and Wildlife Grant $231,844.67 - Account 45050 57110 40009 FEMAApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0768-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the City Engineer, submitting Change Order No. 2 to Contract 2022022 - City Resurfacing, A.W. Oakes 7 Sons, Inc., Contractors. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services CommitteeCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the City Engineer, submitting Change Order No. 2 to Contract 2022022 - City Resurfacing, A.W. Oakes & Sons, Inc., Contractors. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That Change Order 2 to Contract 2022022 - City Resurfacing, A.W. Oakes & Sons, Inc., Contractors,be approved in the deduct amount of ($69,902.31). Fiscal Note: Funding for this change order is as follows: ($12,067.50) 22640 57560 Sanitary Sewers ($33,638.70) 60484 57570 Storm Sewer $9,444.80 45040 57515 Sidewalk Replacement $5,384.50 45040 57515 Crosswalk Ramps ($39,025.41) 45040 57500 DPW Paving - Asphalt ($69,902.31) TotalApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0769-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, to submit final payment for Contract 2022022 - City Resurfacing, A.W. Oakes & Sons, Inc., Contractors. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services CCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, to submit final payment for Contract 2022022 - City Resurfacing, A.W. Oakes & Sons, Inc., Contractors. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That the work completed by A.W. Oakes & Sons, Inc., Contractors, on Contract 2022022 - City Resurfacing be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract of $1,757,931.89. Final Payment to include retainage. Fiscal Note: Contract 2022022 was authorized under Resolution No.0202-22 dated April 18, 2022.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0771-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the City Engineer recommending the amendment to Resolution # 0471-23, which was approved by Common Council on May 16, 2023. Recommendation for the amendment is to reflect the actual motion passCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the City Engineer amending Resolution # 0471-23, which was approved by Common Council on May 16, 2023. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That Resolution # 0471-23 be amended deleting Jonathon Drive - Cul-de-sac to North Main Street - under the section labeled - BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVING. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0773-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works submitting road salt prices for salt for ice control during the 2023-2024 Winter Season. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services CommiCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works submitting road salt prices for salt for ice control during the 2023-2024 Winter Season. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That the City purchase road salt from Cargil Inc. for approximately 7,000 tons of road salt for ice control during the 2023-2024 winter season under their proposed one-year contract price of $84.12 (increase of 6.9% per ton) per ton delivered. Fiscal Note: Funding for this purchase is available in Org-Obj 14010 53200Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0772-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting Change Order No. 1 to Contract 2023030 - Solid Waste Building Structural Improvements, Berglund Construction, Contractors. Staff Recommendation toCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting Change Order No. 1 to Contract 2023030 - Solid Waste Building Structural Improvements, Berglund Construction, Contractors. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That Change Order No. 1 to Contract 2023030 - Solid Waste Building Structural Improvements, Berglund Construction, Contractors, be approved in the amount of $2,885.75. Fiscal Note: Funding for this change order is available in the following Org-Object: 45040 57200Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0774-23 A Subject: Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting Change Order No. 2 to Contract 2023029 - Racine Public Works Transfer Station, Bukacek Construction, Contractors. Staff Recommendation toCommunicationSubject: Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting Change Order No. 2 to Contract 2023029 - Racine Public Works Transfer Station, Bukacek Construction Group Inc., Contractors. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That Change Order No. 2 to Contract 2023029 - Racine Public Works Transfer Station, Bukacek Construction Group Inc., Contractors, be approved in the amount of $55,205.20. Fiscal Note: Funding for this change order is available in the following Org-Object: 45040 57110 - Transfer Station.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0777-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, to submit final payment for Contract 2022234 - Horlick Field Locker Room Upgrades, Rasch Construction, Contractors. Staff RecommendCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, to submit final payment for Contract 2022234 - Horlick Field Locker Room Upgrades, Rasch Construction and Engineering Inc., Contractors. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That the work completed by Rasch Construction and Engineering Inc., Contractors, on Contract 2022234- Horlick Field Locker Room Upgrades be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract of $241,132.72. Final Payment to include retainage. Fiscal Note: Contract 2022234 was authorized under Resolution No. 0013-23 dated January 17, 2023.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0791-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe, on behalf of Nikola Sretenovich of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, requesting to utilize parking on both sides of State Street, from Huron St. to Superior St., and along with the east side on Superior St.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe, on behalf of Nikola Sretenovich of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, requesting to utilize parking on both sides of State Street, from Huron St. to Superior St., and along with the east side on LaSalle St. for their church festival on September 2nd & 3rd , 2023 from noon to 10 p.m. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That the parking request be approved as per St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, per the attached stipulations. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0792-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting the lease agreement for Toys for Tots. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That the lease agreement for ToCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting the lease agreement for Toys for Tots. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That the lease agreement for Toys for Tots, be approved. Fiscal Note: The City of Racine will receive approximately $12,010.39 annually as per the new lease agreement.Failed  Action details Video Video
0792-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting the lease agreement for Toys for Tots. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That the lease agreement for ToCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting the lease agreement for Toys for Tots. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08.08.23: That the lease agreement for Toys for Tots, be approved. Fiscal Note: The City of Racine will receive approximately $12,010.39 annually as per the new lease agreement.ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
0094-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder McCarthy submitting an application for a Hour Premise Description Change, for Fifteen-Eighteen, LLC DBA The Fifteen-Eighteen, located at 1520 Washington Ave, Shikeyla Buckley, Agent. (3rd District)CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder McCarthy submitting an application for a Hour Premise Description Change, for Fifteen-Eighteen, LLC DBA The Fifteen-Eighteen, located at 1520 Washington Ave, Shikeyla Buckley, Agent. (3rd District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-13-2023: That the application for a Hour Premise Description Change, for Fifteen-Eighteen, LLC DBA The Fifteen-Eighteen, located at 1520 Washington Ave, Shikeyla Buckley, Agent. (3rd District), be Deferred. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 04-10-2023: That the application for a Hour Premise Description Change, for Fifteen-Eighteen, LLC DBA The Fifteen-Eighteen, located at 1520 Washington Ave, Shikeyla Buckley, Agent. (3rd District), be Approved. Recommendation of the Common Council on 04-17-2023: That the application for a Hour Premise Description Change, for Fifteen-Eighteen, LLC DBA The Fifteen-Eighteen, located at 1520 Washington Ave, Shikeyla Buckley, Agent. (3rd District), be Referred back to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. RApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0753-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, submitting a New application for a Class "A" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage License premise for Power Petroleum INC DBA Hometown on Lathrop, located at 2500 Lathrop Ave, Aziz Abdul, Agent, in association toCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, submitting a New application for a Class "A" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage License premise for Power Petroleum INC DBA Hometown on Lathrop, located at 2500 Lathrop Ave, Aziz Abdul, Agent, in association to item 0519-23 (14th District). Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 08-07-2023: That the application for a Class "A" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage License premise for Power Petroleum INC DBA Hometown on Lathrop, located at 2500 Lathrop Ave, Aziz Abdul, Agent, in association to item 0519-23 (14th District), be Approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0760-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete submitting an application for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for K & A Fischer, LLC DBA Michigan’s Pub, located at 1300 Michigan Blvd Racine, WI 53402, Amanda FiscCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete submitting a change of ownership application for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for K & A Fischer, LLC DBA Michigan’s Pub, located at 1300 Michigan Blvd Racine, WI 53402, Amanda Fischer, Agent. (4th District). Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 08-07-2023: That the change of ownership application for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for K & A Fischer, LLC DBA Michigan’s Pub, located at 1300 Michigan Blvd Racine, WI 53402, Amanda Fischer, Agent. (4th District), be Approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0761-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete submitting an application for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Bob’s Basement 2, LLC DBA Break N Run Billiards, located at 2037 Lathrop Ave Racine, WI 53405, RobCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete submitting a change of ownership application for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Bob’s Basement 2, LLC DBA Break N Run Billiards, located at 2037 Lathrop Ave Racine, WI 53405, Robert Woodward, Agent. (14th District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 08-07-2023: That the change of ownership application for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Bob’s Basement 2, LLC DBA Break N Run Billiards, located at 2037 Lathrop Ave Racine, WI 53405, Robert Woodward, Agent. (14th District), be Approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0762-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete submitting an application for a Change of Agent, with a "Class B" Club Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License, for Fifth Street Yacht Club of Racine Inc. DBA Fifth Street Yacht Club, locatedCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete submitting an application for a Change of Agent, with a "Class B" Club Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License, for Fifth Street Yacht Club of Racine Inc. DBA Fifth Street Yacht Club, located at 761 Marquette St. Racine, WI 53404, James C. Muleski, Agent. (1st District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 08-07-2023: That the application for a Change of Agent, with a "Class B" Club Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License, for Fifth Street Yacht Club of Racine Inc. DBA Fifth Street Yacht Club, located at 761 Marquette St. Racine, WI 53404, James C. Muleski, Agent. (1st District), be Approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
0781-23 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, requesting any consideration, any formal expression of concern, or other actions pursuant to the police report. Staff Recommendation: To request the appearance of Taste of Soul located at 501 6th St. Rebecca McCray, Agent for a Formal Expression of Concern. Fiscal Note: N/AApprovedPass Action details Video Video
0754-23 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Transit & Mobility Director, requesting permission to accept funding through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s 2023 Public Transit Assistance Program (PTAP) for transit capital pCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Transit & Mobility Director, requesting permission to accept funding through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s 2023 Public Transit Assistance Program (PTAP) for transit capital projects. (Grant control #00527) Staff Recommendation: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to accept funding through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s 2023 Public Transit Assistance Program (PTAP) for transit capital projects. Fiscal Note: Grant amount is $160,000 with local match of $40,000.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available