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Meeting Name: City Plan Commission (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/27/2014 4:15 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 205
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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14-10441 A Eliminate Window signs Section 114-1038CommunicationSubject: Communication from the Alderman of the 15th District requesting referral to the City Plan Commission a request to amend Section 114-1038 of the Municipal Code to eliminate restrictions on signs in windows. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-13-14: That the item be received and filed. Recommendation of the Common Council on 8-19-14: That the item be referred to the City Plan Commission, to repeal and recreate Sec. 114-1038(c) of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine in its entirety as follows: “No restrictions shall be placed on street level facade window signage". Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-14: That the item be received and filed. Fiscal Note: N/ARecommended to be Received and FiledPass Action details Not available
14-10313 A Walk-up establishments signage (Ord. No. 11-14)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Amendments to the sign ordinance: walk-up establishments and roof signs. (PC-14) (Ord. No. 11-14) Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 7-30-14: That an ordinance be prepared and a public hearing scheduled. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-14: That Ordinance 11-14 be amended to accommodate 50% window signage and exempt seasonal businesses in operation as of August 19, 2014, and adopt Ordinance 11-14 as amended. Fiscal Note: N/ARecommended For AdoptionPass Action details Not available
Ord.11-14 A Ordinance 11-14OrdinanceOrdinance 11-14 To amend, repeal and/or recreate subsections of Sec. 114-1028 and 114-1 of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Wisconsin. The Common Council of the City of Racine, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: Part 1: Amend subsection (e) of Sec. 114-1028 by inserting at the beginning of that subsection before the word “No” the words “Unless otherwise permitted in this section,” and then revising the word “No” to “no.” Part 2: The following subsection shall be created in Sec. 114-1028 of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine to read as follows: “(i) In an area bounded by the Root River to the north and west, Sam's River Road to the east, and Water Street to the south, roof signs may be permitted but are subject to the following allowances: 1. One such sign per building by right and only displaying one name (i.e. the name of the major tenant, or the development or building name). The applicant shall submit an application and supporting materials to the Downtown Area Design Review Commission for review and approval. 2. Two such signs may be permitted per buRecommended For AdoptionPass Action details Not available
14-10373 A Rescind the fee associated with an individual's request to file a zoning variance - Section 114-111 of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Resolution 08-0684. (Res. No. 14-0317)CommunicationSubject: Communication from the Alderman of the 6th District requesting to rescind the fee associated with an individual's request to file a zoning variance - Section 114-111 of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Resolution 08-0684. (Res. No. 14-0317) Recommendations of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-29-14: That the fees associated with an individual's request to file a zoning variance - Section 114-111 of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Resolution 08-0684, be rescinded. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-14: That the fees associated with an individual's request to file a zoning variance not be rescinded. Further, that this item be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee. Fiscal Note: There will be a reduction in revenue to the general fund.Recommended For Further ConsiderationPass Action details Not available
Res.14-0317 A Rescind Fees Associated With an Individual's Request to File a Zoning Variance - Section 114-111ResolutionRescind Fees Associated With an Individual's Request to File a Zoning Variance - Section 114-111 Resolved, that the fees associated with an individual's request to file a zoning variance - Section 114-111 of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Resolution 08-0684, is to be rescinded. Fiscal Note: N/ARecommended For Further ConsiderationPass Action details Not available
14-10520 A Ord.10-14CommunicationSubject: (Ord.10-14) An Ordinance amending Sec. 114-36 penalty for violation of chapter, of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Wisconsin. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-14: That Ordinance 10-14 be adopted. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 9-25-14: To reaffirm the recommendation of the August 27, 2014 meeting and that Ordinance 10-14 be adopted, as presented. Fiscal Note: N/ARecommended For AdoptionPass Action details Not available
14-10501 A CU 1028 and 1021 Douglas Avenue (Res. No. 14-0366)Conditional Use PermitSubject: (Direct Referral) Request by Racine Riverside Marine, Inc. for conditional use approval to utilize space and buildings for boat storage and repair at 1028 Douglas Avenue. (Res. No. 14-0366) Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-2014: That the item be approved, subject to conditions. Fiscal Note: N/ARecommended For ApprovalPass Action details Not available
14-10429 A TID Machinery Row (Res No. 14-0386)CommunicationSubject: Request regarding the proposed establishment of the project plan, boundaries and creation of Tax Incremental District No. 18. (Res No. 14-0386) Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-14: That the Plan Commission recommends that Tax Incremental District No. 18 be created with the boundaries designated in the Project Plan. Further recommends that the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District No. 18, as adopted by the City Plan Commission on August 27, 2014, be approved. Fiscal Note: The purpose of this District is to provide the necessary improvements in public infrastructure to eliminate blight, encourage economic development and increase property values. Over the next 22 years, the project plan ( the plan) anticipates expenditures of approximately $30.5 million for priority projects, and an additional $16.4 million contingent projects that may be undertaken if the tax increments generated exceed levels anticipated in the plan. The plan identifies General Obligation Bonds as a source of funding, however, the City will continue to pursue alternative finanRecommended For ApprovalPass Action details Not available
14-10507 A Resolution 14-01 TID No. 18CommunicationSubject: Consideration of Resolution No. 14-01 designating proposed boundaries and approving a project plan for Tax Incremental District No. 18, City of Racine, Wisconsin.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-10502 A CU 5200 Durand Avenue (Res. No. 15-0173)Conditional Use PermitSubject: (Direct Referral) Request by Adams Outdoor Advertising for a major amendment to the Regency Mall Planned Development to erect a billboard at 5200 Durand Avenue. (Res. No. 15-0173) Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 9-10-14: That the request be denied for the following reasons: 1. The proposed billboard degrades one of Racine's premier shopping areas by imposing visual clutter. 2. The proposed billboard negatively impacts the degree of visual repose/retreat citizen should be able to anticipate at Prichard Park or at the residences to the south. 3. The billboard's visual impact may adversely affect residential property values in the area. 4. The presence of the billboard will likely impede future development of adjacent lands due to the obstructions of sight lines to buildings and other appropriate building signage allowed in the Regency Mall Planned Development. 5. The installation of the billboard is contrary to the objectives of the Regency Mall Planned Development. 6. The design and height of the billboard does not meet the intentions of the current oRecommended For Denial  Action details Not available