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Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/3/2014 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 205, City Hall
Wednesday due to furlough day
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
14-10494 A Claim of Dwayne & Myrna OlsenClaimSubject: Communication from the City Attorney submitting the claim of Dwayne Olsen and Myrna Olsen for consideration. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 9-8-14: The claim of Dwayne Olsen and Myrna Olsen for alleged damages from a sewer backup arising from the rain event on May 12-13, 2014 be denied. Fiscal Note: N/AReferred  Action details Not available
14-10495 A Claim of Gary SimonsenClaimSubject: Communication from the City Attorney submitting the claim of Gary Simonsen for consideration. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 9-8-14: The claim of Gary Simonsen for repairs after a tree branch allegedly fell on his car while it was parked in the 2300 block of Carmel Avenue on August 13, 2014 be denied. Fiscal Note: N/AReferred  Action details Not available
14-10496 A Claim of American Family (Medasie)ClaimSubject: Communication from the City Attorney submitting the claim of American Family Mutual Insurance (Medasie) for consideration. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 9-8-14: The claim of American Family Mutual Insurance (Medasie) for alleged repairs arising from water allegedly flooding the basement at 3510 - 16th Street on February 25, 2014 be denied. Fiscal Note: N/AReferred  Action details Not available
14-10504 A Communication from the Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services (Res No. 14-0369)CommunicationSubject: Communication from the Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services requesting permission to accept donations for the Dr. John Bryant Community Center's Performing Arts Program. (Res No. 14-0369) Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 9-8-14: Permission be granted to the Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services to accept donations for the Dr. John Bryant Community Center's Performing Arts Program. Fiscal Note: $1,870.00 in donations to be deposited in Performing Arts Account 786.010.6000.Referred  Action details Not available
14-10510 A Communication from the Alder of the 9th District requesting referral to Public Works and Services Committee his request asking that staff develop a proposal to ensure that Ordinance 18-529, as applicable to sump pumps and other drainage, is enforced in orCommunicationSubject: Communication from the Alder of the 9th District requesting referral to Public Works and Services Committee his request asking that staff develop a proposal to ensure that Ordinance 18-529, as applicable to sump pumps and other drainage, is enforced in order to minimize clear water infiltration into sanitary sewers and the impact that it causes on basement backups. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 09-09-14: Deferred Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 9-30-14: Receive and file. Fiscal Note: N/AReferred  Action details Not available
14-10517 A Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a list of streets to be included in the 2015 Public Hearings for 2016 Construction. (Res No. 14-0377)CommunicationSubject: Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a list of streets to be included in the 2015 Public Hearings for 2016 Construction. (Res No. 14-0377) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 09-09-14: The following list of streets, as submitted by the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer, be considered for the 2015 Public Hearings for 2016 Construction and that a preliminary resolution be introduced. Portland Concrete Paving Biscayne Avenue - Sovereign Drive to Southwood Drive Blaine Avenue - Durand Avenue to Pierce Boulevard Chatham Street - Barker Street to Kewaunee Street Chatham Street - William Street to Melvin Avenue Davis Place - Eleventh Street to Tenth Street Domanik Drive - Domanik Drive to Dead End Domanik Drive - Spring Street to Domanik Drive Domanik Drive - Domanik Drive to vacated Fairchild Street Emstan Hills Road - Dead End to Victorian Drive Fifteenth Street - College Avenue to Wisconsin Avenue Franklin Street - Fourteenth Street to Thirteenth Street Harrington DrReferred  Action details Not available
14-10505 A Communication from the Alderman of the 9th District requesting referral to Committee of the Whole his request to have the City Attorney’s office present a review of Robert’s Rules and of State required protocols for the City Council and subordinate commitCommunicationSubject: Communication from the Alderman of the 9th District requesting referral to Committee of the Whole his request to have the City Attorney’s office present a review of Robert’s Rules and of State required protocols for the City Council and subordinate committees. Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 07-19-2016: the Item be Received and Filed. Fiscal Note: N/AReferred  Action details Not available
14-10503 A Communication from Alderman Kaprelian-Becker, Tom Rutkowski & Natalie ChulewCommunicationSubject: Communication from Alderman Kaprelian-Becker, Tom Rutkowski, and Natalie Chulew seeking approval for the placement of a second mural on the Zoo Beach stair well. Recommendation of the Board of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services on 9-10-14: To approve the communication from Alderman Kaprelian-Becker, Tom Rutkowski and Natalie Chulew to place a second mural on the Zoo Beach stair well. Fiscal Note: No cost to the City.Referred  Action details Not available
14-10449 A The fire department is requesting permission to accept the 2013 FEMA Assistance to Fire Fighters (AFG) grant for purchasing radio hardware and upgrading our radio interoperability capabilities to the statewide VHF trunking system known as WISCOM. (Res. NoCommunicationSubject: The Fire Department is requesting permission to accept the 2013 FEMA Assistance to Fire Fighters (AFG) grant (Control #2014-019) for purchasing radio hardware and upgrading our radio interoperability capabilities to the statewide VHF trunking system known as WISCOM. (Res. No. 14-0358) Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 8-25-14: Permission be granted to the fire department to accept the 2013 FEMA Assistance to Fire Fighters (AFG) grant (Control #2014-019) for purchasing radio hardware and upgrading our radio interoperability capabilities to the statewide VHF trunking system known as WISCOM. Fiscal Note: The grant request is for $210,500 of which the City's hard match is 10% or $21,050. AFG will provide $189,450 with the City’s match covering the balance of the project. Funds are available in account 944.300.5030 to cover this request. (Control #2014-019)Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
14-10484 A Communication from the Police Chief, requesting to waive formal bidding requirements and instruct the Purchasing Agent to negotiate sole-source procurement with Snap Trends of Austin, Texas, for the purchase of Snap Trends, a location-based social media mCommunicationSubject: Communication from the Police Chief, requesting to waive formal bidding requirements and instruct the Purchasing Agent to negotiate sole-source procurement with Snap Trends of Austin, Texas, for the purchase of SnapTrends, a location-based social media monitoring solution. (Res. No. 14-0359) Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 8-25-14: To approve the request from the Police Chief to waive formal bidding requirements and instruct the Purchasing Agent to negotiate sole-source procurement with Snap Trends of Austin, Texas, for the purchase of SnapTrends, a location-based social media monitoring solution. Fiscal Note: Approximate cost is $4,200. To be funded with Federal Asset Forfeiture Funds.Approved as PresentedPass Roll call Not available
14-10500 A (Direct Referral) Communication from the City Attorney wishing to convene in closed session to discuss, with the Finance and Personnel Committee, strategy with respect to litigation in which the City of Racine is or is likely to become involved, specificaCommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the City Attorney wishing to convene in closed session to discuss, with the Finance and Personnel Committee, strategy with respect to litigation in which the City of Racine is or is likely to become involved, specifically potential settlement of Sears Holdings Corporation v. City of Racine, Racine County Case No. 13 CV 1451. (Res. No. 14-0360) Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 8-25-14: To approve the potential settlement of Sears Holdings Corporation v. City of Racine, Racine County Case No. 13 CV 1451. Fiscal Note: Refund of $205,748 will be budgeted and paid out of the General Fund in 2015. Approximately $97,700 or 47% of this payment will be charged back to the overlying taxing jurisdictions and collected at some point in the future. Additionally, the 2014 real estate assessment will be set at $4,500,000.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
14-10460 A Bid results on Contract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 Reconstruction. (Res. No. 14-0363)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Commissioner of Public Works submitting bid results on Contract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 Reconstruction. (Res. No. 14-0363) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-12-14: Deferred Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-26-14: That Contract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 Reconstruction, be awarded to A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc., at their base bid of $969,868.80, it being the lowest responsible bidder. Fiscal Note: Funding to defray the cost of this public works project be appropriated from the following accounts: $236,982.15 - Account 994.700.5060, Pershing Park Dr. Repaving $276,515.98 - Account 106.991.5750, Surface Lot Repaving $407,878.02 - Account 104.994.5460, Pershing/Meyers USEPA $ 48,492.65 - Account 756.020.5590, Fund for Lake Michigan Grant $969,868.80 - TotalReceived and FiledPass Action details Not available
14-10485 A St. Edwards Fun Fest (Res. No. 14-0361)CommunicationSubject: Communication from St. Edward Parish requesting to close 15th Street between West Blvd. and Grove Ave. and the alley between 15th Street and 16th Street for their annual Fun Fest. (Res. No. 14-0361) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-26-14: That St. Edward's Parish be granted permission to close 15th Street between West Boulevard and Grove Avenue, and the alley bounded by 15th Street, 16th Street, West Boulevard and Grove Avenue, from 9:00 A.M. Saturday, September 20, 2014, to 8:00 P.M. Sunday, September 21, 2014, for a church festival. Further recommends that permission be granted with the following stipulations: A. A hold harmless agreement be executed and a $75.00 processing fee paid. B. A liability insurance certificate be filed prior to this event. C. Any overtime costs incurred by any City department be charged to the sponsor. D. Sponsor shall notify all abutting property owners seventy-two (72) hours in advance of this event. E. Sponsor shall pay a $250.00 special event fee. Further recommends that the Commissioner of PubliApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
14-10486 A Amendment No. 3 to State Project ID: 1693-34-07, Lake Michigan Pathway Phase 3. (Res. No. 14-0365)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting Amendment No. 3 to State Project ID: 1693-34-07, Lake Michigan Pathway Phase 3. (Res. No. 14-0365) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-26-14: That Amendment No. 3 to State Project ID: 1693-34-07, Lake Michigan Pathway Phase 3, as submitted, be approved. Fiscal Note: This is a no additional cost time extension to the contract.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
14-10497 A Change Order No. 1 on Contract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 Reconstruction. (Res. No. 14-0364)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting Change Order No. 1 on Contract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 Reconstruction. (Res. No. 14-0364) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-26-14: That Change Order No. 1 on Contract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 Reconstruction, A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc., contractor, as submitted, be approved in the deduct amount of ($262,493.50). Further recommends that the funding accounts be adjusted by the following amounts: ($ 60,858.13) - Account 994.700.5060, Pershing Park Dr. Repaving ($ 38,380.56) - Account 106.991.5750, Surface Lot Repaving ($146,191.04) - Account 104.994.5460, Pershing/Meyers USEPA ($ 17,063.77) - Account 756.020.5590, Fund for Lake Michigan Grant ($262,493.50) - Total Deduct Fiscal Note: Change Order No. 1 will result in a decrease in contract price.Received and FiledPass Action details Not available
14-10498 A Downtown Racine Corporation requesting permission to close Main Street from State Street to 7th Street and 6th Street from Main Street to Grand Avenue for Party on the Pavement on Saturday, September 27, 2014, from 12:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. (Res. No. 14-036CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from Downtown Racine Corporation requesting permission to close Main Street from State Street to 7th Street and 6th Street from Main Street to Grand Avenue for Party on the Pavement on Saturday, September 27, 2014, from 12:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. (Res. No. 14-0362) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-26-14: That permission be granted to the Downtown Racine Corporation to close Main Street from State Street to 7th Street and 6th Street from Main Street to Grand Avenue, on Saturday, September 27, 2014, from 12:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M., for the 12th Annual Party on the Pavement event. Further recommends that permission be granted with the following stipulations: A. A hold harmless agreement be executed and a $75.00 processing fee paid. B. A liability insurance certificate be filed prior to this event. C. Any overtime costs incurred by any City department be charged to the sponsor. D. Sponsor shall notify all abutting property owners seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the event. E. Sponsor shall pay a $700.00 sApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
14-10347 A Communication from the 7th District Alderman to revise Article III of the Municipal Code to create exemptions for use of a bow and arrow or crossbow within City limits. (Ord. 09-14)CommunicationSubject: Communication from the 7th District Alderman to revise Article III of the Municipal Code to create exemptions for use of a bow and arrow or crossbow within City limits. (Ord. No. 09-14) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on July 22, 2014: That the communication from the 7th District Alderman to revise Article III of the Municipal Code to create exemptions for use of a bow and arrow or crossbow within City limits. (Ord. No. 09-14) be deferred. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on August 12, 2014: That the communication from the 7th District Alderman to revise Article III of the Municipal Code to create exemptions for use of a bow and arrow or crossbow within City limits. (Ord. No. 09-14) be deferred. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on August 26, 2014: That the communication from the 7th District Alderman to revise Article III of the Municipal Code to create exemptions for use of a bow and arrow or crossbow within City limits. (Ord. No. 09-14) be approved with amended language. Fiscal Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
14-10386 A Traffic study for the intersection of W. 6th Street and Memorial Drive.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a traffic study for the intersection of W. 6th Street and Memorial Drive. Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on July 21, 2014: Deferred Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on August 18, 2014: Receive and File Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on September 15, 2014: Receive and File Fiscal Note: N/AReferredPass Action details Not available
14-10405 A Communication from the Alderman of the 11th District requesting referral to the Traffic Commission for an ordinance amending Sec. 94-128 of Municipal Code to allow an exemption for campers and recreational vehicles to be parked on city streets for up to 4CommunicationSubject: Communication from the Alderman of the 11th District requesting referral to the Traffic Commission for an ordinance amending Sec. 94-128 of Municipal Code to allow an exemption for campers and recreational vehicles to be parked on city streets for up to 48 hours before or after using the camper or recreational vehicle for camping or traveling. Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on August 18, 2014: Receive and File. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
14-10415 A Communication from the Alderman of the 5th District, on behalf of Pat Miller, requesting removal of the one-hour restrictive parking near 1639 Yout St.CommunicationSubject: Communication from the Alderman of the 5th District, on behalf of Pat Miller, requesting removal of the one-hour restrictive parking near 1639 Yout St. Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on August 18, 2014: Recommends that the one-hour parking restriction near 1639 Yout Street be eliminated. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
14-10508 A In accordance with Section 2-95 of the Municipal Code of the general ordinances of the City of Racine, recommends that the following requests for changes in traffic code be granted: Recommends that Section 94-143 (9) of Schedule G of the Municipal CodeCommunicationSubject: In accordance with Section 2-95 of the Municipal Code of the general ordinances of the City of Racine, recommends that the following requests for changes in traffic code be granted: Recommends that Section 94-143 (9) of Schedule G of the Municipal Code of the General Ordinances of the City of Racine relative to "One-hour parking from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., except on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays." be amended: By Deleting: 1. Yout Street, north side, from 120 feet east of Blake Avenue east 190 feet. 2. Yout Street, south side, from Blake Avenue east 280 feet.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
14-10441 A Eliminate Window signs Section 114-1038CommunicationSubject: Communication from the Alderman of the 15th District requesting referral to the City Plan Commission a request to amend Section 114-1038 of the Municipal Code to eliminate restrictions on signs in windows. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-13-14: That the item be received and filed. Recommendation of the Common Council on 8-19-14: That the item be referred to the City Plan Commission, to repeal and recreate Sec. 114-1038(c) of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine in its entirety as follows: “No restrictions shall be placed on street level facade window signage". Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-14: That the item be received and filed. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
14-10313 A Walk-up establishments signage (Ord. No. 11-14)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Amendments to the sign ordinance: walk-up establishments and roof signs. (PC-14) (Ord. No. 11-14) Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 7-30-14: That an ordinance be prepared and a public hearing scheduled. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-14: That Ordinance 11-14 be amended to accommodate 50% window signage and exempt seasonal businesses in operation as of August 19, 2014, and adopt Ordinance 11-14 as amended. Fiscal Note: N/AAdoptedFail Action details Not available
14-10313 A Walk-up establishments signage (Ord. No. 11-14)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Amendments to the sign ordinance: walk-up establishments and roof signs. (PC-14) (Ord. No. 11-14) Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 7-30-14: That an ordinance be prepared and a public hearing scheduled. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-14: That Ordinance 11-14 be amended to accommodate 50% window signage and exempt seasonal businesses in operation as of August 19, 2014, and adopt Ordinance 11-14 as amended. Fiscal Note: N/AAdoptedPass Action details Not available
14-10313 A Walk-up establishments signage (Ord. No. 11-14)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Amendments to the sign ordinance: walk-up establishments and roof signs. (PC-14) (Ord. No. 11-14) Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 7-30-14: That an ordinance be prepared and a public hearing scheduled. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-14: That Ordinance 11-14 be amended to accommodate 50% window signage and exempt seasonal businesses in operation as of August 19, 2014, and adopt Ordinance 11-14 as amended. Fiscal Note: N/AAdoptedFail Action details Not available
14-10313 A Walk-up establishments signage (Ord. No. 11-14)CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Amendments to the sign ordinance: walk-up establishments and roof signs. (PC-14) (Ord. No. 11-14) Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 7-30-14: That an ordinance be prepared and a public hearing scheduled. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-14: That Ordinance 11-14 be amended to accommodate 50% window signage and exempt seasonal businesses in operation as of August 19, 2014, and adopt Ordinance 11-14 as amended. Fiscal Note: N/AAdopted As Amended: Pass Action details Not available
14-10373 A Rescind the fee associated with an individual's request to file a zoning variance - Section 114-111 of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Resolution 08-0684. (Res. No. 14-0317)CommunicationSubject: Communication from the Alderman of the 6th District requesting to rescind the fee associated with an individual's request to file a zoning variance - Section 114-111 of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Resolution 08-0684. (Res. No. 14-0317) Recommendations of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-29-14: That the fees associated with an individual's request to file a zoning variance - Section 114-111 of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Resolution 08-0684, be rescinded. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-14: That the fees associated with an individual's request to file a zoning variance not be rescinded. Further, that this item be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee. Fiscal Note: There will be a reduction in revenue to the general fund.Received and FiledPass Action details Not available
14-10501 A CU 1028 and 1021 Douglas Avenue (Res. No. 14-0366)Conditional Use PermitSubject: (Direct Referral) Request by Racine Riverside Marine, Inc. for conditional use approval to utilize space and buildings for boat storage and repair at 1028 Douglas Avenue. (Res. No. 14-0366) Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 8-27-2014: That the item be approved, subject to conditions. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
14-10509 A Subject: Communication from Mayor Dickert nominating appointments/reappointments to the following committees, boards and/or commissions:CommunicationSubject: Communication from Mayor Dickert nominating appointments/reappointments to the following committees, boards and/or commissions: Appoint Melissa Lemke 815 3 Mile Rd. Racine, 53402 to the Board of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services for a 3 year term, expiring April 1, 2017 Reappoint Alderman Ron Hart 4420 Republic Ave. Racine, 53405 to the Wastewater Commission for a 1 year term, expiring October 1, 2015 Reappoint Alderman Ron Hart 4420 Republic Ave. Racine, 53405 to the Water Commission for a 1 year term, expiring October 1, 2015 Reappoint Alderman James Morgenroth 1500 Monroe Ave. Racine, 53405 to the Wastewater Commission for a 1 year term, expiring October 1, 2015 Reappoint Alderman James Morgenroth 1500 Monroe Ave. Racine, 53405 to the Water Commission for a 1 year term, expiring October 1, 2015 Reappoint Alderman Terry McCarthy 317 West Blvd. Racine, 53405 to the Wastewater Commission for a 1 year term, expiring October 1, 2015 Reappoint Tom Bunker 804 Lathrop Ave. Racine, 53405 to the Wastewater Commission for a 3 year term, expiring October 1,Approved as PresentedPass Action details Not available
14-10489 A GM Request - Reallocate Funds in 2014 CIP for Backhoe (Res No. 14-0367)CommunicationSubject: General Manager Request to Reallocate Funds in the 2014 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Purchase of a Backhoe (Res No. 14-0367) Recommendation of the Waterworks Commission on 8/26/14: To approve purchase of a 2014 backhoe and transfer funds from "Dodge and Chatham Transmission pit - $75,000" and "VFD's High Lift Pump Upgrade - $28,000" to "Backhoe - $103,000" Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 9-8-14: Approve the purchase of a 2014 backhoe and transfer funds from "Dodge and Chatham Transmission pit - $75,000" and "VFD's High Lift Pump Upgrade - $28,000" to "Backhoe - $103,000" Fiscal Note: Funds will be provided from Water Utility ReservesReferredPass Action details Not available
Res.14-0358 A 2013 FEMA Assistance to Fire Fighters (AFG) GrantResolution2013 FEMA Assistance to Fire Fighters (AFG) Grant Resolved, that permission is granted to the fire department to accept the 2013 FEMA Assistance to Fire Fighters (AFG) grant (Control #2014-019) for purchasing radio hardware and upgrading our radio interoperability capabilities to the statewide VHF trunking system known as WISCOM. Fiscal Note: The grant request is for $210,500.00 of which the City's hard match is 10% or $21,050.00. AFG will provide $189,450.00 with the City’s match covering the balance of the project. Funds are available in account 944.300.5030 to cover this request. (Control #2014-019)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
Res.14-0360 A Sears Holdings Corporation v. City of Racine, Racine County Case No. 13 CV 1451ResolutionSears Holdings Corporation v. City of Racine, Racine County Case No. 13 CV 1451 Resolved, that the potential settlement of Sears Holdings Corporation v. City of Racine, Racine County Case No. 13 CV 1451 is approved. Fiscal Note: Refund of $205,748.00 will be budgeted and paid out of the General Fund in 2015. Approximately $97,700.00 or 47% of this payment will be charged back to the overlying taxing jurisdictions and collected at some point in the future. Additionally, the 2014 real estate assessment will be set at $4,500,000.00.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
Res.14-0361 A St. Edward Parish Annual Fun Fest 2014ResolutionSt. Edward Parish Annual Fun Fest 2014 Resolved, that St. Edward's Parish is granted permission to close 15th Street between West Boulevard and Grove Avenue, and the alley bounded by 15th Street, 16th Street, West Boulevard and Grove Avenue, from 9:00 A.M. Saturday, September 20, 2014, to 8:00 P.M. Sunday, September 21, 2014, for a church festival. Further resolved, that permission is granted with the following stipulations: A. A hold harmless agreement be executed and a $75.00 processing fee paid. B. A liability insurance certificate be filed prior to this event. C. Any overtime costs incurred by any City department be charged to the sponsor. D. Sponsor shall notify all abutting property owners seventy-two (72) hours in advance of this event. E. Sponsor shall pay a $250.00 special event fee. Further resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works, City Engineer and Chief of Police provide limited assistance, in the interest of public safety, to implement this event. Fiscal Note: There will be nominal costs to various City departments on a regular shift basAdoptedPass Action details Not available
Res.14-0362 A 12th Annual Party on the PavementResolution12th Annual Party on the Pavement Resolved, that permission is granted to the Downtown Racine Corporation to close Main Street from State Street to 7th Street and 6th Street from Main Street to Grand Avenue, on Saturday, September 27, 2014, from 12:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M., for the 12th Annual Party on the Pavement event. Further resolved, that permission is granted with the following stipulations: A. A hold harmless agreement be executed and a $75.00 processing fee paid. B. A liability insurance certificate be filed prior to this event. C. Any overtime costs incurred by any City department be charged to the sponsor. D. Sponsor shall notify all abutting property owners seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the event. E. Sponsor shall pay a $700.00 special event fee. F. Sponsor shall submit for approval a Temporary Traffic Control Plan for all arterial and collector streets and, if applicable, a detour plan for the closure of all State Connecting Highways. Sponsor shall also provide and remove all temporary traffic control devices and detour signs required for the AdoptedPass Action details Not available
Res.14-0365 A Amendment No. 3 to State Project ID: 1693-34-07, Lake Michigan Pathway Phase 3ResolutionAmendment No. 3 to State Project ID: 1693-34-07, Lake Michigan Pathway Phase 3 Resolved, that Amendment No. 3 to State Project ID: 1693-34-07, Lake Michigan Pathway Phase 3, as submitted, is approved. Fiscal Note: This is a no additional cost time extension to the contract.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
Res.14-0366 A Racine Riverside Marine, Inc. Use of 1028 Douglas AvenueResolutionRacine Riverside Marine, Inc. Use of 1028 Douglas Avenue That the request by Racine Riverside Marine, Inc. for conditional use approval to utilize 1028 Douglas Avenue as boat storage and service is approved, subject to the following conditions: a. That plans presented to the Plan Commission at the August 27, 2014 meeting be approved subject to the conditions contained herein. b. That this approval does not extend to 1021 Douglas Avenue at this time, and at such time the legal description has been rectified the applicant may come back to the Commission for a minor amendment to this approval if they still wish to use that parcel for storage. c. That all applicable building and occupancy permits be applied for and obtained through the Building Inspection Department. d. That all outdoor storage areas shall be screened with a minimum of 6-foot tall fence with an opaque screening material. e. That no unlicensed or inoperable vehicles, tires, or storage of junk of any kind shall be allowed at any time within the buildings or in the fenced areas. f. That the parking spAdoptedPass Action details Not available
Res.14-0317 A Rescind Fees Associated With an Individual's Request to File a Zoning Variance - Section 114-111ResolutionRescind Fees Associated With an Individual's Request to File a Zoning Variance - Section 114-111 Resolved, that the fees associated with an individual's request to file a zoning variance - Section 114-111 of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Resolution 08-0684, is to be rescinded. Fiscal Note: N/AReceived and FiledPass Action details Not available
Res.14-0359 A Purchase of SnapTrendsResolutionPurchase of SnapTrends Resolved, that the request from the Police Chief to waive formal bidding requirements and instruct the Purchasing Agent to negotiate sole-source procurement with Snap Trends of Austin, Texas, for the purchase of SnapTrends, a location-based social media monitoring solution is approved. Fiscal Note: Approximate cost is $4,200.00. To be funded with Federal Asset Forfeiture Funds.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
Res.14-0363 A Contract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 ReconstructionResolutionContract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 Reconstruction Resolved, that Contract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 Reconstruction, is awarded to A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc., at its base bid of $969,868.80, it being the lowest responsible bidder. Fiscal Note: Funding to defray the cost of this public works project be appropriated from the following accounts: $236,982.15 - Account 994.700.5060, Pershing Park Dr. Repaving $276,515.98 - Account 106.991.5750, Surface Lot Repaving $407,878.02 - Account 104.994.5460, Pershing / Meyers USEPA $ 48,492.65 - Account 756.020.5590, Fund for Lake Michigan Grant $969,868.80 - TotalReceived and FiledPass Action details Not available
Res.14-0364 A Change Order No. 1 on Contract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 ReconstructionResolutionChange Order No. 1 on Contract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 Reconstruction Resolved, that Change Order No. 1 on Contract 42-14 (K4-042), Pershing Park, Sam Meyers, LF #5 Reconstruction, A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc., contractor, as submitted, is approved in the deduct amount of ($262,493.50). Further resolved, that the funding accounts be adjusted by the following amounts: ($ 60,858.13) - Account 994.700.5060, Pershing Park Dr. Repaving ($ 38,380.56) - Account 106.991.5750, Surface Lot Repaving ($146,191.04) - Account 104.994.5460, Pershing / Meyers USEPA ($ 17,063.77) - Account 756.020.5590, Fund for Lake Michigan Grant ($262,493.50) - Total Deduct Fiscal Note: Change Order No. 1 will result in a decrease in contract price.Received and FiledPass Action details Not available