| A | | Subject:Communication from the Chairman of the City of Racine Board of Ethics submitting their 2016-2017 Annual Report. | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Chairman of the City of Racine Board of Ethics submitting their 2016-2017 Annual Report. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
| A | | claim of Lance Chady | Claim | Subject: Communication from the City Attorney submitting the claim of Lance Chady for consideration.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5/8/2017: That the claim of Lance Chady be denied.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | claim of James Metzger | Claim | Subject: Communication from the City Attorney submitting the claim of James Metzger for consideration.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5/8/2017: That the claim of James Metzger be denied.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Alderman of the Sixth District to the Common Council to revise Section 46-39 of the Racine Code of Ordinances to require the City to engage in competitive selection for professional services in all professional services procurements | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Alderman of the Sixth District to the Common Council to revise Section 46-39 of the Racine Code of Ordinances to require the City to engage in competitive selection for professional services in all professional services procurements and that all such requests be brought before the Finance Committee prior to selection, including development activity purchases.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5/22/2017: To Receive and File.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Director of Finance to request the reclassification of the City Assessor position. | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Director of Finance to request the reclassification of the City Assessor position.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5/8/2017: Reclassify the City Assessor position from pay grade NR-15 to NR-18.
Fiscal Note: Pay Grade NR-15 range is from $71,574 to $96,623 with a midpoint of $83,348. Pay Grade NR-18 is from $85,246 to $115,080 with a midpoint of $99,269. The annual increase based on midpoints would be $15,921. | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the HR Manager to request adding ICMA as a 457B provider for deferred compensation. (Res. No. 0172-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the HR Manager to request adding ICMA as a 457B provider for deferred compensation. (Res. No. 0172-17)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 4/10/17: The City add ICMA as an optional 457B deferred compensation provider for all employees.
Fiscal Note: The City will not incur any significant cost in adding ICMA as a provider. Adding ICMA as a provider will enable us to meet certain contract obligations. | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Purchasing Agent requesting to discuss the results of Official Notice #4-2017, Request for Proposal for Electrical Design for Movable Bridges. (Res. No. 0166-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Purchasing Agent requesting to discuss the results of Official Notice #4-2017, Request for Proposal for Electrical Design for Movable Bridges. (Res. No. 0166-17)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5/8/2017: Recommend that the bid for Official Notice #4-2017, Electrical Design for Movable Bridges be awarded to AECOM at their bid price of $133,246.06.
Fiscal Note: $140,000 was budgeted for the expenditure and funds for this purchase are available in account 40402 57545, Bridges - State. This is 100% reimbursable by the State of Wisconsin. | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Purchasing Agent requesting to discuss the results of Official Notice #5-2017, Request for Proposal for Scoreboards for Various Community Centers. (Res. No. 0167-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Purchasing Agent requesting to discuss the results of Official Notice #5-2017, Request for Proposal for Scoreboards for Various Community Centers. (Res. No. 0167-17)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5/8/2017: Recommend that the bid for Official Notice #5-2017, Scoreboards for Various Community Centers be awarded to Nevco Inc. at their bid price of $21,685, they being the lowest, responsible, responsive bidder.
Fiscal Note: Funds for this purchase are available in account 45050 57200, Parks Department Building Improvements. | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Purchasing Agent requesting to discuss the results of Official Notice #6-2017, Request for Bids for Ramp Replacement at the Police Impound Lot. (Res. No. 0168-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Purchasing Agent requesting to discuss the results of Official Notice #6-2017, Request for Bids for Ramp Replacement at the Police Impound Lot. (Res. No. 0168-17)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5/8/2017: Recommend that the bid for Official Notice #6-2017, Ramp Replacement at the Police Impound Lot be awarded to RAZA of Racine LLC of Racine, WI at their bid price of $17,444
Fiscal Note: Funds for this purchase are available in account 45031 57110, Police Department - Land Improvements. | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Purchasing Agent requesting to discuss the procurement of electronic voting machines from Racine County. (Res. No. 0169-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Purchasing Agent requesting to discuss the procurement of electronic voting machines from Racine County.(Res. No. 0169-17)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5/8/2017: Recommend that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with Racine County for the procurement of 38 electronic voting machines.
Fiscal Note: Funds for this purchase are slated to be available in the 2018 Capital Improvement Funds. The estimated cost of each electronic voting machine is $9,600 for an estimated maximum cost of $364,800. | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Subject: Communication from the City Clerk submitting the bid received for printing the Common Council Proceedings and legal notices for the period of June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2018. (Res. No. 0171-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the City Clerk submitting the bid received for printing the Common Council Proceedings and legal notices for the period of June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2018. (Res. No. 0171-17)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5/8/2017: The bid for printing Common Council Proceedings and all legal notices for the period of June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2018 as required by Section 985.06 of the Wisconsin Statutes, be awarded to The Journal Times, they being the only qualified bidder.
Fiscal Note: There were no changes in the rates from 2016/2017 to 2017/2018. Council proceedings publication rate is $0.41 per line, session printing is $13.50 per page and annual books are $55.00. Other advertising publication rate is $0.40 per line for first insertion and $0.39 per line for each subsequent insertion. All affidavits of publication are $1.00 each. Funds for Council Proceedings publication are appropriated in account 11001 52315; City Council Advertising. | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Request for permission to close the 300 block of Hamilton Street and the 1100 block of Chatham Street from 12:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. on Sunday, June 25, 2017, for the annual Eagle's Club/George's Tavern Classic Car Show. (Res. No. 0173-17) | Communication | Subject: Request for permission to close the 300 block of Hamilton Street and the 1100 block of Chatham Street from 12:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. on Sunday, June 25, 2017, for the annual Eagle's Club/George's Tavern Classic Car Show. (Res. No. 0173-17)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-09-17: That the Eagles Club and George's Tavern be granted permission to close Hamilton Street from Main Street to Chatham Street and Chatham Street from Hamilton to Dodge Street on Sunday, June 25, 2017, from 12:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M., in conjunction with the Annual Eagle's Club/George's Tavern Classic Car Show to benefit the Lew Reed Spinal Injury Cord Fund, with the following stipulations:
A. A hold harmless agreement be executed and a $75.00 processing fee paid.
B. A liability insurance certificate be filed prior to this event.
C. Any overtime costs incurred by any City department be charged to the sponsor.
D. The sponsor shall notify all abutting property owners seventy-two (72) hours in advance of this event.
E. The sponsor shall pay a $300.00 special event | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Alderwoman of the 6th District requesting an update from the Commissioner of Public Works on the status of the Safety Building. | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Alderwoman of the 6th District requesting an update from the Commissioner of Public Works on the status of the Safety Building.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-09-17: Defer
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-30-17: Receive and file.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 06-13-17: Receive and file and amend the proposal to prioritize the Safety Building evaluation.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Alderwoman of the 6th District requesting an update from the Commissioner of Public Works on the status of the 2017 sidewalk repair/replacement program and a presentation of the expenditures from the 2016 sidewalk repair/replacement | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Alderwoman of the 6th District requesting an update from the Commissioner of Public Works on the status of the 2017 sidewalk repair/replacement program and a presentation of the expenditures from the 2016 sidewalk repair/replacement program.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-09-17: Defer
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-30-17: Receive and file.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Subject: Application of Coy & Diane Investments Inc., dba The Boiler Room, Dana Peterson, Agent, for a Change of Agent for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for 5200 Washington Ave. (12th District) | Communication | Subject: Application of Coy & Diane Investments Inc., dba The Boiler Room, Dana Peterson, Agent, for a Change of Agent for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for 5200 Washington Ave. (12th District)
Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-09-17: That the application of Coy & Diane Investments Inc., dba The Boiler Room, Dana Peterson, Agent, for a Change of Agent for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for 5200 Washington Ave. be approved.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Subject: The following renewal application(s) for a "Class A" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for 2017-2018: | Communication | Subject: The following renewal application(s) for a "Class A" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for 2017-2018:
Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-09-17: That the renewals as listed above for "Class A" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for 2017-2018, be approved.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Subject: The following renewal application(s) for a Class "A" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage License for 2017-2018: | Communication | Subject: The following renewal application(s) for a Class "A" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage License for 2017-2018:
Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-09-17: That the renewal application for a Class "A" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage License for 2017-2018, be approved.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Subject: The following renewal application(s) for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for 2017-2018: | Communication | Subject: The following renewal application(s) for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for 2017-2018:
Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-09-17: That the renewal applications for a "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for 2017-2018, be approved.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Alderwoman of the 6th District, on behalf of Michael Maxwell, requesting a yield sign be installed on Graham Street at the intersection of Mohr Avenue and Graham Avenue. | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Alderwoman of the 6th District, on behalf of Michael Maxwell, requesting a yield sign be installed on Graham Street at the intersection of Mohr Avenue and Graham Avenue.
Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on 05-15-17: Defer
Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on 06-19-17: Receive and file.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| A | | $320,000.00 DNR-Knowles Nelson Grant App (Res. No. 0170-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Director of City Development seeking permission to apply for a $320,000 DNR-Knowles Nelson Stewardship Grant for Parkland Development: Proposed RootWorks South River Loop Improvements. (Res. No. 0170-17)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5/8/2017: To apply for a $320,000 DNR-Knowles Nelson Stewardship Grant for Parkland Development: Proposed RootWorks South River Loop Improvements.
Recommendation of the Redevelopment Authority on 5/11/2017: To apply for a $320,000 DNR-Knowles Nelson Stewardship Grant for Parkland Development: Proposed RootWorks South River Loop Improvements.
Fiscal Note: $500,000 in matching funds are budgeted in the 2017 IG Capital Budget and in associated line items in the TID 18 project plan. Funds will be used for design, engineering, and amenities associated the River Loop areas south of Fourth Street and will include walkways and railings stormwater plantings, walkway corridor and sidewalks and amenities. It is anticipated that any award notice will be received in late 2017 or early 2018. (Grant Control | Referred | |
Action details
| A | | $320,000.00 DNR-Knowles Nelson Grant App (Res. No. 0170-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Director of City Development seeking permission to apply for a $320,000 DNR-Knowles Nelson Stewardship Grant for Parkland Development: Proposed RootWorks South River Loop Improvements. (Res. No. 0170-17)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5/8/2017: To apply for a $320,000 DNR-Knowles Nelson Stewardship Grant for Parkland Development: Proposed RootWorks South River Loop Improvements.
Recommendation of the Redevelopment Authority on 5/11/2017: To apply for a $320,000 DNR-Knowles Nelson Stewardship Grant for Parkland Development: Proposed RootWorks South River Loop Improvements.
Fiscal Note: $500,000 in matching funds are budgeted in the 2017 IG Capital Budget and in associated line items in the TID 18 project plan. Funds will be used for design, engineering, and amenities associated the River Loop areas south of Fourth Street and will include walkways and railings stormwater plantings, walkway corridor and sidewalks and amenities. It is anticipated that any award notice will be received in late 2017 or early 2018. (Grant Control | Referred | |
Action details
| A | | (Res No. 0144-17) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Consider RDA Resolution 17-13 authorizing RCEDC staff to apply for a Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grant (GLRI) through the U.S. Forestry Service. The grant would supplement the existing grant award from the Fund For Lake Michigan (FFLM) for the planting of trees and vegetation as part of our Rootworks Plan storm water management strategy (grant control number 00131). (Res No. 0144-17)
Recommendation of the Redevelopment Authority on 4-3-17: That the City and its partner, RCEDC, apply for grant funds in the amount of $200,000 through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative through the U.S. Forestry Service. Further that no more than $5,000 be allocated for professional services to complete the application for the grant.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 4-24-17: That the City and its partner, RCEDC, apply for grant funds in the amount of $197,000 through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative through the U.S. Forestry Service. Further that no more than $5,000 be allocated for professional services to complete the applicatio | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Chief of Police requesting permission to accept a donation for the K9 Program (Res No. 0145-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Chief of Police requesting permission to accept a donation for the K9 Program. (Res No. 0145-17)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 4/24/17: Accept a donation of $6,157.89 from the Policeman's Ball to be used for the Racine Police Departments K9 Program.
Fiscal Note: There is no City match. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the City Attorney requesting that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to enter into a license agreement and mutual hold harmless and indemnification agreement with the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Racine to permit City | Communication | Subject: Communication from the City Attorney requesting that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to enter into a license agreement and mutual hold harmless and indemnification agreement with the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Racine to permit City of Racine Police Department personnel to conduct law enforcement training activities in Redevelopment Authority-owned buildings. (Res No. 0146-17)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 4/24/17: To enter into a license agreement and mutual hold harmless and indemnification agreement with the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Racine to permit City of Racine Police Department personnel to conduct law enforcement training activities in Redevelopment Authority-owned buildings.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Chief Building Inspector wishing to add a new Courtesy Inspection Program in Ch. 18 of the City of Racine's Building Code. (Ord. 06-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Chief Building Inspector wishing to add a new Courtesy Inspection Program in Ch. 18 of the City of Racine's Building Code. (Ord. 06-17)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-28-17: That the City Attorney’s office draft/approve the ordinance to amend Ch. 18 of the City of Racine’s Building Code to add a new Courtesy Inspection Program subject to changing the fee from $150 to $100.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-11-17: Defer
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-25-17: That the City Attorney’s office draft the ordinance to amend Ch. 18 of the City of Racine’s Building Code to add a new Courtesy Inspection Program with a fee of $150 and direct the Chief Building Inspector to provide a Courtesy Inspection Program review one year after the program is initiated.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Commissioner of Public Works regarding the consideration of Cornerstone Pavers, LLC.'s prequalification. | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Commissioner of Public Works regarding the consideration of Cornerstone Pavers, LLC.'s prequalification.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-28-17: That Cornerstone Pavers, LLC. is found not qualified.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-11-17: Defer
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-25-17: That Cornerstone Pavers, LLC. is found qualified to bid on projects for 2017.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Alderman of the 9th District requesting to appoint a member to the Traffic Commission per Ordinance 05-16. | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Alderman of the 9th District requesting to appoint a member to the Traffic Commission per Ordinance 05-16.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-25-17: Appoint Alderwoman Weidner to the Traffic Commission.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Bid results on Contract 20170019, 2017 Parking Lots. (Res No. 0151-17) | Communication | Subject: Bid results on Contract 20170019, 2017 Parking Lots. (Res No. 0151-17)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-25-17: That bids for Contract 20170019, 2017 Parking Lots be awarded to Payne & Dolan, Inc., at their bid price of $163,618.15, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of this Public Works Department project be appropriated from the below Org-Objects:
$ 60,449.77 - Org-Object 60383-57500, Parking System - Paving
$103,168.38 - Org-Object 45050-57110, Myers Pave Circle Drive
$163,618.15 - Total
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Referred | Fail |
Action details
| A | | Bid results on Contract 20170024, Horlick Field - HVAC Updates. (Res No. 0152-17) | Communication | Subject: Bid results on Contract 20170024, Horlick Field - HVAC Updates. (Res No. 0152-17)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-25-17: That bids for Contract 20170024, Horlick Field - HVAC Updates, be awarded to United Mechanical, Inc., at their bid price of $34,855.00, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of this Public Works Department project be appropriated from Org-Object 45050-57200, Horlick Field-Replace 2 MAU.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Purchasing Agent submitting a proposal for the purchase of solid waste carts. (Res No. 0147-17) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Purchasing Agent submitting a proposal for the purchase of solid waste carts. (Res No. 0147-17)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-14-17: The Purchasing Agent be authorized and directed to negotiate the purchases of 27,000 refuse carts with associated identification (RFID) chips and six truck mounted readers via the U.S. Communities Competitive bid contract.
Fiscal Note: Estimated cost is $1,400,850.00 and funding to defray the cost of these materials is available in Org-Object 45040-57300, DPW-Solid Waste Cart System. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a State/Municipal Agreement for State Project ID: 2990-14-00/70, State Street (STH 38), Intersection with N. Memorial Drive. (Res No. 0153-17) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a State/Municipal Agreement for State Project ID: 2990-14-00/70, State Street (STH 38), Intersection with N. Memorial Drive. (Res No. 0153-17)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-25-17: That the City Engineer be authorized and directed to enter into a State/Municipal Agreement for State Project ID: 2990-14-00/70, State Street (STH 38), Intersection with N. Memorial Drive. The estimated cost for these improvements is $709,123.00, with the City’s share being $79,912.00 and the Federal/State share being $629,211.00.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available in Org-Object 45040-57500-40003, Paving-STH 38 & Memorial. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from Jason Roetz, Fast Signs, on behalf of owner Kristina Campbell, requesting permission to place a sign over City right-of-way at 1501 Washington Avenue. Jason Roetz and Kristina Campbell invited to the meeting. (Res No. 0149-17) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from Jason Roetz, Fast Signs, on behalf of owner Kristina Campbell, requesting permission to place a sign over City right-of-way at 1501 Washington Avenue. (Res No. 0149-17)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-25-17: That the property owner, Kristina Campbell, at 1501 Washington Avenue is granted permission to install a stationary projecting sign, as requested, with the stipulation that a hold harmless agreement be executed and a $150.00 processing fee paid, in accordance with the State Statute 66.0425, Privileges in Streets.
Fiscal Note: There will be no cost to the City of Racine. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20170008, Parks Service Center Renovations, Absolute Construction, contractor. (Res No. 0150-17) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20170008, Parks Service Center Renovations, Absolute Construction, contractor. (Res No. 0150-17)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-25-17: That Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20170008, Parks Service Center Renovations, Absolute Construction, contractor, as submitted, be approved in the amount of $8,976.68
Further recommends that funding to defray the cost of the change order be appropriated from Org-Object 45050-57200, Remodel Park Service Office.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Final Payment on Contract 55-14 (K4-055), PS - Retaining Wall - Riverside & Roe, R.A. Smith National, consultant. (Res No. 0154-17) | Communication | Subject: Final Payment on Contract 55-14 (K4-055), PS - Retaining Wall - Riverside & Roe, R.A. Smith National, consultant. (Res No. 0154-17)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-25-17: That the work done by R.A. Smith National, under Contract 55-14 (K4-055), PS - Retaining Wall - Riverside & Roe, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $28,185.00.
Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 14-0522, dated December 16, 2014. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Purchasing Agent submitting bids on Official Notice 3-2017, one (1) 43,000 GVW 6 cubic yard diesel dump trucks with snowplow and wingplow. (Res No. 0148-17) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Purchasing Agent submitting bids on Official Notice No. 3-2017, one (1) 43,000 GVW 6 cubic yard diesel dump truck with snowplow and wingplow. (Res No. 0148-17)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-25-17: That Official Notice No. 3-2017, one (1) 43,000 GVW 6 cubic yard diesel dump truck with snowplow and wingplow, be awarded to Lakeside International Trucks with Monroe Truck’s Equipment at their bid price of $156,232.00 less the $6,000.00 offered for the trade vehicle. Lakeside’s net bid accepting their offer for our trade vehicle is $150,232.00.
Fiscal Note: Funds for this purchase are available in Org-Object 45140-57310, Licensed Vehicles. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the City Attorney presenting a public law enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Racine and the Village of Sturtevant. (Res No. 0156-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the City Attorney presenting a public law enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Racine and the Village of Sturtevant. (Res No. 0156-17)
Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 04-25-17: That the public law enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Racine and the Village of Sturtevant be approved as presented.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from Margaret Brockman requesting to discuss parking issues at 1948 Saturn Avenue. | Communication | Subject: Communication from Margaret Brockman requesting to discuss parking issues at 1948 Saturn Avenue.
Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on 03-20-17: Defer
Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on 04-17-17: Recommends that "No parking from 7:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on any school day" in front of 1948 Saturn Avenue be removed.
Fiscal Note: The estimated cost of this signage will result in a modification cost of $40.00. | Approved as Presented | Fail |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Racine Police Department, on behalf of Kranz, Inc. - 2200 DeKoven Ave., wishing to discuss pedestrian safety issues on DeKoven Avenue near Hickory Grove Avenue. | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Racine Police Department, on behalf of Kranz, Inc. - 2200 DeKoven Ave., wishing to discuss pedestrian safety issues on DeKoven Avenue near Hickory Grove Avenue.
Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on 04-17-17: Recommends that the crosswalk at the west side of DeKoven Avenue and Hickory Grove Avenue be signed and marked.
Fiscal Note: The estimated cost of this signage will result in a modification cost of $40.00. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | In accordance with Section 2-95 of the Municipal Code of the General Ordinances of the City of Racine, recommends that the following requests for changes in traffic code be granted:
Recommends that Section 94-141(8) of Schedule F relating to "No parkin | Communication | Subject: In accordance with Section 2-95 of the Municipal Code of the General Ordinances of the City of Racine, recommends that the following requests for changes in traffic code be granted:
Recommends that Section 94-141(8) of Schedule F relating to "No parking from 7:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on any school day", be amended:
By Deleting:
1. Saturn Avenue, both sides, from Yout Street to Jupiter Avenue.
By Including:
1. Saturn Avenue, west side, from 60 feet south of Yout Street to Jupiter Avenue.
2. Saturn Avenue, east side, from Yout Street to Jupiter Avenue. | Approved as Presented | Fail |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Transit and Parking System Manager submitting an agreement on the sign at Gaslight Ramp for the hotel. (Res No. 0157-17) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Transit and Parking System Manager submitting an agreement on the sign at Gaslight Ramp for the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel. (Res No. 0157-17)
Recommendation of the Transit and Parking Commission on 04-26-17: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel for a sign at Gaslight Ramp.
Fiscal Note: This will produce $750.00 of revenue annually. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Transit and Parking System Manager requesting to select and negotiate with Wisconsin Coach Lines for commuter bus purchased transportation contingent on City Attorney review. (Res No. 0158-17) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Transit and Parking System Manager requesting authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement with Wisconsin Coach Lines for commuter bus purchased transportation contingent on City Attorney review. (Res No. 0158-17)
Recommendation of the Transit and Parking Commission on 04-26-17: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Wisconsin Coach Lines for commuter bus purchased transportation contingent on City Attorney review.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Transit and Parking System Manager requesting authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement for a State grant for operating fixed route. (Res No. 0159-17) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Transit and Parking System Manager requesting authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement for a State grant for operating fixed route. (Res No. 0159-17)
Recommendation of the Transit and Parking Commission on 04-26-17: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to sign the Urban Mass Transit Assistance - Operating 2017 Program Grant Agreement per Wis. Stats. 85.20 between WisDOT and the City of Racine. Grant assistance is in the amount of $2,073,819.00.
Fiscal Note: Local match is in the 2017 Transit Budget. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Communication from the Transit and Parking System Manager requesting authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement for operating paratransit. (Res No. 0160-17) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Transit and Parking System Manager requesting authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement for a State grant for operating paratransit. (Res No. 0160-17)
Recommendation of the Transit and Parking Commission on 04-26-17: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to sign the 2017 Urban Mass Transit Paratransit Assistance Contract between WisDOT and the City of Racine. Grant assistance is in the amout of $83, 372.00.
Fiscal Note: Annual Paratransit Assistance Grant from the State in the amount of $83,372.00. The local match is appropriated in the 2017 Transit Budget. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | (Res No. 0161-17) | Conditional Use Permit | Subject: (Direct Referral) A request by Parnell McCray, representing McCray's Auto and Used Tires, seeking a conditional use permit to operate an automobile sales and detailing shop at 2828 Lathrop Avenue. (PC-16) (Res No. 0161-17)
Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 4-26-2017: That the request be approved subject to conditions.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| B | | (Res No. 0162-17) | Conditional Use Permit | Subject: (Direct Referral) A request from Margaret Robinson, representing Living Faith Lutheran Church, seeking a conditional use permit to retrofit an existing sign into an electronic message sign at 2915 Wright Avenue. (PC-16) (Res No. 0162-17)
Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 4-26-17: That the request be approved subject to conditions.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | TID No. 20 creation (Res. No. 0143-17) | Resolution | Subject: (Direct Referral) Review and discussion of the proposed establishment of the project plan, boundaries, and creation of Tax Incremental District 20, Regency Mall. (Res. No. 0143-17)
Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 3-29-17: That but-for the creation of Tax Incremental District No. 20 redevelopment of the Regency Mall Area and listed projects would not occur, and that the project plan and boundaries for Tax Incremental District No. 20 be approved.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Resolution TID 20 (Res. No. 0143-17) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Consideration of a resolution designating proposed boundaries and approving a project plan for Tax Increment District No. 20, City of Racine, Wisconsin. (PC-17) (Res. No. 0143-17)
Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 3-29-17: That the resolution adopting TID No. 20 be adopted.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | CU Amend 3014 Northwestern Avenue (Res No. 0163-17) | Conditional Use Permit | Subject: (Direct Referral) A request from Darryl Sturino of Sturino Funeral Home, 3014 Northwestern Avenue, seeking an amendment to their Conditional Use Permit to construct an addition totaling 1,200 square feet +/- onto the main building, and a canopy with associated drive area modifications. (PC-17) (Res No. 0163-17)
Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 4-26-17: That the request be approved subject to conditions.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | CU EMC Julian Thomas Elemetary (Res No. 0164-17) | Conditional Use Permit | Subject: (Direct Referral) A request from Michael Hennessy representing Racine Unified School District, seeking a conditional use permit to install an electronic message center (EMC) at 930 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, for Julian Thomas Elementary School. (PC-17) (Res No. 0164-17)
Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 4-26-17: That the request be approved subject to conditions.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | EMC 2119 Rapids Drive (Res No. 0165-17) | Conditional Use Permit | Subject: (Direct Referral) A request from Michael Hennessy, representing Racine Unified School District, seeking a conditional use permit to install an electronic message center (EMC) at 2119 Rapids Drive, for William Horlick High School. (PC-17) (Res No. 0165-17)
Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 4-26-17: That the request be approved subject to conditions.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Law Enforcement Training RDA Buildings (Res No. 0146-17) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the City Attorney requesting that the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Racine be authorized to enter into a license agreement and mutual hold harmless and indemnification agreement with the City of Racine to permit City of Racine Police Department personnel to conduct law enforcement training activities in Redevelopment Authority-owned buildings. (Res No. 0146-17)
Recommendation of the Redevelopment Authority on 4-24-17: That the Authority supports the use of Authority owned buildings for training by the City of Racine Police Department where feasible, and that the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authority be authorized and directed to enter into a license agreement with the City of Racine.
Fiscal Note: There are no fiscal implications of this agreement. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | submitting Ordinance 09-15, to repeal and recreate Chapter 26 - Cable Communications | Communication | Subject: Communication from the City Attorney submitting Ordinance 09-15, to repeal and recreate Chapter 26 - Cable Communications of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Wisconsin, for consideration.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 03-01-2016: The Item be Deferred.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 04-17-2017: The Item be recommended to be approved, except that sec. 26-23 would not be repealed.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Discuss rescinding Item 186-17, Phase 1 of Downtown Hotel Event Center Project | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Alderman of the 6th District requesting to convene a meeting of the Committee of the Whole to discuss rescinding the action of the Common Council on Agenda Item 186-17, of March 7, 2017, specifically the approval of funding for activities related to Phase I of the Downtown Hotel Events Center Project at a cost not to exceed $600,000.00.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 04-17-2017: The Item be Received and Filed.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Committee Appointments | Communication | Subject: Communication from Mayor Dickert nominating appointments/reappointments to the following committees, boards and/or commissions:
Appoint Malik Frazier, 1105 Washington Ave Racine 53403, to the Board of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services for a 3 year term, expiring April 30, 2020.
Appoint Christopher Bogan, 3622 Wright Ave Racine 53405, to the Board of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services for a 3 year term, expiring April 30, 2020.
Reappoint Alderman Jason Meekma, 2839 Orchard St Racine 53405, to the Board of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services for a 1 year term, expiring May 1, 2018.
Reappoint Alderman James Morgenroth, 1500 Monroe Racine 53405, to the Board of Standards for a 1 year term, expiring May 1, 2018.
Reappoint Alderwoman Mary Land, 2211 Hayes Ave Racine 53405, to the Affirmative Action/Human Resources Commission for a 1 year term, expiring May 1, 2018.
Reappoint Alderman Dennis Wiser, 2517 Pinehurst Ave Racine 53403, to the City Plan Commission for a 1 year term, expiring May 1, 2018.
Reappoint Pam Deskins, 116 10th St 53403, to the Landmarks Preserva | Amended | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Committee Appointments | Communication | Subject: Communication from Mayor Dickert nominating appointments/reappointments to the following committees, boards and/or commissions:
Appoint Malik Frazier, 1105 Washington Ave Racine 53403, to the Board of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services for a 3 year term, expiring April 30, 2020.
Appoint Christopher Bogan, 3622 Wright Ave Racine 53405, to the Board of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services for a 3 year term, expiring April 30, 2020.
Reappoint Alderman Jason Meekma, 2839 Orchard St Racine 53405, to the Board of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services for a 1 year term, expiring May 1, 2018.
Reappoint Alderman James Morgenroth, 1500 Monroe Racine 53405, to the Board of Standards for a 1 year term, expiring May 1, 2018.
Reappoint Alderwoman Mary Land, 2211 Hayes Ave Racine 53405, to the Affirmative Action/Human Resources Commission for a 1 year term, expiring May 1, 2018.
Reappoint Alderman Dennis Wiser, 2517 Pinehurst Ave Racine 53403, to the City Plan Commission for a 1 year term, expiring May 1, 2018.
Reappoint Pam Deskins, 116 10th St 53403, to the Landmarks Preserva | Adopted As Amended: | Pass |
Action details
| A | | May Historic Presrvation and Archeology Month | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Consideration of efforts to celebrate May as Historic Preservation and Archeology month.
Recommendation of the Landmarks Preservation Commission on 4-10-17: That the City of Racine recognize May 2017 as Historic Preservation and Archeology month in order to celebrate Racine's enriched and diverse past.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grant through the U.S. Forestry Service | Resolution | Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grant through the U.S. Forestry Service
Resolved, that the City and its partner, RCEDC, is approved to apply for grant funds in the amount of $197,000.00 through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) through the U.S. Forestry Service.
Further resolved, that no more than $5,000.00 be allocated for professional services to complete the application for the grant.
Fiscal Note: The grant application will be for $197,000.00. There are no matching funds required, but the City will list Fund for Lake Michigan grants as a match. The cost to apply for the grant will not exceed $5,000.00. (Grant Control #00131) | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Donation for K9 Program | Resolution | Donation for K9 Program
Resolved, that the Chief of Police is approved to accept a donation of $6,157.89 from the Policeman's Ball to be used for the Racine Police Departments K9 Program.
Fiscal Note: There is no City match. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Law Enforcement Training Activities in RDA-owned Buildings | Resolution | Law Enforcement Training Activities in RDA-owned Buildings
Resolved, that the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to enter into a license agreement and mutual hold harmless and indemnification agreement with the Redevelopment Authority (RDA) of the City to permit City of Racine Police Department personnel to conduct law enforcement training activities in Redevelopment Authority-owned buildings.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Purchase of Solid Waste Carts | Resolution | Purchase of Solid Waste Carts
Resolved, that the Purchasing Agent is authorized and directed to negotiate the purchase of 27,000 refuse carts with associated identification (RFID) chips and six truck mounted readers via the U.S. Communities Competitive bid contract.
Fiscal Note: Estimated cost is $1,400,850.00 and funding to defray the cost of these materials is available in Org-Object 45040-57300, DPW-Solid Waste Cart System. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Purchase of One 43,000 GVW 6 Cubic Yard Diesel Dump Truck with Snowplow and Wingplow | Resolution | Purchase of One 43,000 GVW 6 Cubic Yard Diesel Dump Truck with Snowplow and Wingplow
Resolved, that Official Notice No. 3-2017, one (1) 43,000 GVW 6 cubic yard diesel dump truck with snowplow and wingplow, is awarded to Lakeside International Trucks with Monroe Truck’s Equipment at its bid price of $156,232.00 less the $6,000.00 offered for the trade vehicle. Lakeside’s net bid accepting their offer for our trade vehicle is $150,232.00.
Fiscal Note: Funds for this purchase are available in Org-Object 45140-57310, Licensed Vehicles. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Placement of Sign over City Right-of-Way at 1501 Washington Avenue | Resolution | Placement of Sign over City Right-of-Way at 1501 Washington Avenue
Resolved, that the property owner, Kristina Campbell, at 1501 Washington Avenue is granted permission to install a stationary projecting sign, as requested, with the stipulation that a hold harmless agreement be executed and a $150.00 processing fee paid, in accordance with the State Statute 66.0425, Privileges in Streets.
Fiscal Note: There will be no cost to the City. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20170008, Parks Service Center Renovations | Resolution | Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20170008, Parks Service Center Renovations
Resolved, that Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20170008, Parks Service Center Renovations, Absolute Construction Enterprises, Inc., contractor, as submitted, is approved in the amount of $8,976.68.
Fiscal Note: Funding to defray the cost of the change order be appropriated from Org-Object 45050-57200, Remodel Park Service Office. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Contract 20170024 - Horlick Field HVAC Updates | Resolution | Contract 20170024 - Horlick Field HVAC Updates
Resolved, that Contract 20170024 - Horlick Field HVAC Updates is awarded to United Mechanical, Inc., at its bid price of $34,855.00, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
Fiscal Note: Funds to defray the cost of this Public Works Department project be appropriated from Org-Object 45050-57200, Horlick Field-Replace 2 MAU. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | State/Municipal Agreement for State Project ID: 2990-14-00/70, State Street (STH 38), Intersection with N. Memorial Drive | Resolution | State/Municipal Agreement for State Project ID: 2990-14-00/70, State Street (STH 38), Intersection with N. Memorial Drive
Resolved, that the City Engineer is authorized and directed to enter into a State/Municipal Agreement for State Project ID: 2990-14-00/70, State Street (STH 38), Intersection with N. Memorial Drive. The estimated cost for these improvements is $709,123.00, with the City’s share being $79,912.00 and the Federal/State share being $629,211.00.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available in Org-Object 45040-57500-40003, Paving-STH 38 & Memorial. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Final Payment on Contract 55-14 (K4-055), PS - Retaining Wall - Riverside & Roe | Resolution | Final Payment on Contract 55-14 (K4-055), PS - Retaining Wall - Riverside & Roe
Resolved, that the work done by R.A. Smith National, LLC, under Contract 55-14 (K4-055), PS - Retaining Wall - Riverside & Roe, is accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $28,185.00.
Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 14-0522, dated December 16, 2014. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement with the Village of Sturtevant | Resolution | Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement with the Village of Sturtevant
Resolved, that the public law enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Racine and the Village of Sturtevant be approved as presented.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Sign at Gaslight Ramp for DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel | Resolution | Sign at Gaslight Ramp for DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel
Resolved, that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel for a sign at Gaslight Ramp.
Fiscal Note: This will produce $750.00 of revenue annually. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Commuter Bus Purchased Transportation with Wisconsin Coach Lines | Resolution | Commuter Bus Purchased Transportation with Wisconsin Coach Lines
Resolved, that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Wisconsin Coach Lines for commuter bus purchased transportation contingent on City Attorney review.
Note: lt is clearly stipulated that there is no commitment of City of Racine funds.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Agreement for State Grant for Operating Fixed Route | Resolution | Agreement for State Grant for Operating Fixed Route
Resolved, that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to to sign the Urban Mass Transit Assistance - Operating 2017 Program Grant Agreement per Wis. Stats. 85.20 between WisDOT and the City of Racine. Grant assistance is in the amount of $2,073,819.00.
Fiscal Note: Local match is in the 2017 Transit Budget. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Automobile and Sales and Detailing Shop at 2828 Lathrop Avenue | Resolution | Automobile and Sales and Detailing Shop at 2828 Lathrop Avenue
Resolved, that the request of Parnell McCray, representing McCray’s Auto Sales and Used Tires, for a conditional use permit to operate an automobile sales and detailing shop at 2828 Lathrop Avenue is approved, subject to the following conditions:
a. That the plans presented to the City Plan Commission on April 26, 2017 be approved subject to the conditions stated herein.
b. That all applicable ordinances be complied with and permits acquired.
c. That exterior displays or storage of products, materials, equipment, and/or junked vehicles of any kind, is prohibited.
d. That all repair and service activities be conduct indoors.
e. That only seven vehicles are permitted to be displayed for sale at any one time in the designated display areas. Vehicles awaiting sale preparation or repair shall be parked indoors or to the rear of the property.
f. That business signage is not part of this approval and shall be submitted to the Director of City Development for review and approval prior to installation.
g | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Electronic Message Sign at 2915 Wright Avenue | Resolution | Electronic Message Sign at 2915 Wright Avenue
Resolved, that the request by Margaret Robinson representing Living Faith Lutheran Church for an electronic message sign at 2915 Wright Avenue is approved, subject to the following conditions:
a. That the plans presented at the April 26, 2017 Plan Commission meeting be approved, subject to the conditions contained herein.
b. That all codes and ordinances be complied with and all required permits be obtained unless otherwise authorized herein.
c. That the following exception are granted to Section 114-1033 Signs, Electronic message signs (Racine Municipal Code):
1. The hours of operation for sign the may be expanded from Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. to accommodate daily operation within these hours. The Electronic Message Center shall be turned completely off outside the hours allowed. Neighborhood concerns will be monitored.
2. The required 25 ft. setback from the lot line is reduced to allow a 1 ft. setback.
3. The required 200 ft. separation from residential zones and uses is waived.
4. The requirement t | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Addition to 3014 Northwestern Avenue | Resolution | Addition to 3014 Northwestern Avenue
Resolved, that the request by Darryl Sturino of Sturino Funeral Home, 3014 Northwestern Avenue, seeking an amendment to their conditional use permit to construct an addition totaling 1,200 square feet +/- onto the main building, and a canopy with associated drive area modifications is approved, subjct to the following conditions:
a. That the plans presented to the City Plan Commission on April 26, 2017 be approved subject to the conditions stated herein.
b. That all applicable ordinances be complied with and permits acquired, unless otherwise accepted herein.
c. That the following exceptions are granted:
1. To Section 114-410 Restricted Office District, Front Yard: a setback of 15.5 feet, rather that the required 25 feet.
2. To Section 114-735.5 (b)(1) Building Design Standards: aluminized steel siding within eight feet of grade.
d. That the hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., visitations until 9:00 p.m., and other hours by appointment.
e. That the following site improvements shall be complet | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Electronic Message Center at 930 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive | Resolution | Electronic Message Center at 930 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Resolved, that the request from Michael Hennessy, representing Racine Unified School District, seeking a conditional use permit to install an electronic message center at 930 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, for Julian Thomas Elementary School is approved, subject to the following conditions:
a. That the plans presented at the April 26, 2017 Plan Commission meeting be approved, subject to the conditions contained herein.
b. That all codes and ordinances be complied with and all required permits be obtained unless otherwise authorized herein.
c. That the following exception are granted to Section 114-1033 Signs, Electronic message signs (Racine Municipal Code):
1. The hours of operation for the sign may be expanded from Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. to accommodate daily operation within these hours. The Electronic Message Center shall be turned completely off outside the hours allowed.
2. The required 25 ft. setback from the lot line is reduced to allow a zero ft. setback.
3. The overall | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Electronic Message Center at 2119 Rapids Drive | Resolution | Electronic Message Center at 2119 Rapids Drive
Resolved, that a request from Michael Hennessy, representing Racine Unified School District, seeking a conditional use permit to install an electronic message center at 2119 Rapids Drive, for William Horlick High School is approved, subject to the following conditions:
a. That the plans presented at the April 26, 2017 Plan Commission meeting be approved, subject to the conditions contained herein.
b. That all codes and ordinances be complied with and all required permits be obtained unless otherwise authorized herein.
c. That the following exception are granted to Section 114-1033 Signs, Electronic message signs (Racine Municipal Code):
1. The hours of operation for the sign may be expanded from Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. to accommodate daily operation within these hours. The Electronic Message Center shall be turned completely off outside the hours allowed.
2. The overall maximum height of the sign is allowed to be up to 75 inches, exceeding the six feet (72 inches) allowance set by the ordinance.
3. | Approved as Presented | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Contract 20170019 - 2017 Parking Lots | Resolution | Contract 20170019 - 2017 Parking Lots
Resolved, that bids for Contract 20170019 - 2017 Parking Lots is awarded to Payne & Dolan, Inc., at its bid price of $163,618.15, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
Fiscal Note: Funds to defray the cost of this Public Works Department project be appropriated from the below Org-Objects:
$ 60,449.77 - Org-Object 60383-57500, Parking System - Paving
$103,168.38 - Org-Object 45050-57110, Myers Pave Circle Drive
$163,618.15 - Total | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| A | | Final Resolution | Resolution | Final - Ten (10) Year
Benefits & Damages
WHEREAS, the Public Works & Services Committee of the Common Council of the City of Racine, Wisconsin, held a public hearing at the Council Chambers in the City Hall at 5:30 p.m. on the 25th day of April, 2017 for the purpose of hearing all interested persons concerning the preliminary resolution and report of the Commissioner of Public Works on the proposed improvement of:
Portland Cement Concrete Paving
Cleveland Ave - Durand Ave to Pierce Blvd
Emstan Hills Road - Duchess Drive to Oakwood Drive
Kentucky Street - Shadow Lane to Cul-De-Sac
Olive Street - Kentucky Street to Orchard Street
Alley (North E/W Section) - Wright Avenue to Washington Ave.; West Boulevard to Dean Blvd
Bituminous Concrete Paving
Indiana Street - Taylor Avenue to Maryland Avenue
Wood Duck Way - Waterbury Lane to Chicory Road
Curb & Gutter
Emstan Hills Road - Duchess Drive to Oakwood
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Racine as follows:
1. That the report of the Commissioner of Public Works pertaining to the cons | Referred | |
Action details
| A | | Ordinance 05-17 Repeal Sec. 22-1055 | Ordinance | Ordinance 05-17
An ordinance to repeal Sec. 22-1055 in Article XXVIII. -Public Passenger Vehicles of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Wisconsin.
The Common Council of the City of Racine, Wisconsin, do ordain was follows:
Part 1: Repeal Sec. 22-1055 in Article XXVIII. -Public Passenger Vehicles of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Wisconsin.
Part 2: Sections 22-1055 - 22-1065 are hereby Reserved.
Part 3: This ordinance shall take effect upon passage by a majority vote of the members-elect of the City Common Council and publication or posting as required by law.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Referred | |
Action details