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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/4/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 205
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
0256-25 A Subject: Women's History Month ProclamationCommunicationSubject: Women's History Month Proclamation   Not available Not available
0217-25 A Subject: Communication presented by Alder Coe requesting the creation of an ordinance that provides the administrative appeal procedures under the RENTS Registration Ordinances.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe, requesting the creation of an ordinance that provides the administrative appeal procedures under the RENTS Registration Ordinances. Staff Recommendation: To Defer Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Video Video
0202-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Land, on behalf of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director, requesting permission to create a new part-time position (LTE) to implement the outreach/education component of the DNR/IRA Urban Forestry gCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Land, on behalf of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director, requesting permission to create a new part-time position (LTE) to implement the outreach/education component of the DNR/IRA Urban Forestry grant (Grant Control # 00560) that was awarded to the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department in 2024. Staff Recommendation: That the communication sponsored by Alder Land, on behalf of the PRCS Director, requesting permission to create a new part-time position (LTE) to implement the outreach/education component of the DNR/IRA Urban Forestry grant (Grant Control # 00560) be approved. Fiscal Note: There is no City budgetary impact. The position will be funded by the DNR/IRA Urban Forestry grant (Grant Control #00560).   Not available Not available
0221-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alderman Maurice Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Samuel Daams for consideration for disallowance. Staff Recommendation: The claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/ACommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Samuel Daams for consideration for disallowance. Staff Recommendation: That the claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0222-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alderman Maurice Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Maxwell Malkmus and Shelly Malkmus for consideration for disallowance. Staff Recommendation: The claim be disallowed. FiscCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Maxwell Malkmus and Shelly Malkmus for consideration for disallowance. Staff Recommendation: That the claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0223-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kelly to have a presentation by the Racine Police Association regarding the contract negotiations.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kelly, requesting permission to have a presentation by the Racine Police Association regarding the contract negotiations. Staff Recommendation: Receive and File. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0224-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason on behalf of the City Development Department seeking permission to apply for a Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Community Development Investment (CDI) Grant (Control # 00617) for the LegionCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, on behalf of the City Development Department requesting permission to apply for a Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Community Development Investment (CDI) Grant (Grant Control #00617) for the Legion Building at Belle City Square, 1907 St. Patrick Street. Staff Recommendation: Receive and File. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0225-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, on behalf of the Finance Director and City Attorney, to approve and ratify the formation of the Lincoln King Community Center and Clinic QALICB, Inc., for the purposes of the New Market Tax Credit transactiCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, on behalf of the Finance Director and City Attorney, to approve and ratify the formation of the Lincoln King Community Center and Clinic QALICB, Inc., for the purposes of the New Market Tax Credit transaction associated with the construction of the Lincoln King Community Center and Clinic project, and to allow the Mayor, City Clerk, Finance Director, and other staff to execute all necessary documents associated with the project. Staff Recommendation: To approve and ratify the formation of the Lincoln King Community Center and Clinic QALICB, Inc., for the purposes of the New Market Tax Credit transaction associated with the construction of the Lincoln King Community Center and Clinic project, and to allow the Mayor, City Clerk, Finance Director, and other staff to execute all necessary documents associated with the project. Fiscal Note: Costs associated with this are included in the project budget.   Not available Not available
0226-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to enter into an agreement and accept funding of $227,357 from the WI Department of Health Services for the DIS Supplemental Agreement. (GraCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to enter into an agreement and accept funding of $227,357 from the WI Department of Health Services for the DIS Supplemental Agreement (Grant Control #00626). Staff Recommendation: That the Public Health Department be authorized to enter into an agreement and accept funding of $227,357 from the WI Department of Health Services for the DIS Supplemental Agreement (Grant Control #00626). Fiscal Note: No City Match Required.   Not available Not available
0228-25 A Subject: Communication presented by Alder Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney, requesting the City Attorney present proposed settlement in the case of Shannon Hollimon., et al., v. City of Racine, et al, Racine County Circuit Court Case No. 23 CV 1428.CommunicationSubject: Communication presented by Alder Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney, requesting the City Attorney present proposed settlement in the case of Shannon Hollimon., et al., v. City of Racine, et al, Racine County Circuit Court Case No. 23 CV 1428. Staff Recommendation: N/A Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0229-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Land, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting bid results of Official Notice #1-2025 Tree Purchase.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Land, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting bid results of Official Notice #1-2025 Tree Purchase. Staff Recommendation: That the contract for Official Notice #1-2025 Tree Purchase be awarded to the two lowest, responsive bidders: Chestnut Ridge Nursery, Inc., in the amount of $36,182 and Schichtel’s Nursery Inc. in the amount of $64,526. Fiscal Note: Funding is available in the following Org-Objects $100,708 Acct# 6048401 57110-Land Improvements.   Not available Not available
0230-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Land, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting bid results of Official Notice #2-2025 Tree Purchase (DNR/IRA).CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Land, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting bid results of Official Notice #2-2025 Tree Purchase (DNR/IRA). Staff Recommendation: That the contract for Official Notice #2-2025 Tree Purchase (DNR/IRA) be awarded to the two lowest, responsive bidders: Chestnut Ridge Nursery, Inc. in the amount of $10,195 and Schichtel’s Nursery, Inc. in the amount of $11,846. Fiscal Note: Funding is available in the following Org-Objects $22,041 Acct#6048401 52200 50046-Contracted Services.   Not available Not available
0231-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Land, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting bid results of Official Notice #4-2025 Tree and Stump Removal (DNR/IRA)CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Land, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, submitting bid results of Official Notice #4-2025 Tree and Stump Removal (DNR/IRA). Staff Recommendation: That the contract for Official Notice #4-2025 Tree and Stump Removal (DNR/IRA) be awarded to the two lowest, responsive bidders: Busch Tree Expert, LLC in the amount of $46,500 and Homer Tree Service, Inc. in the amount of $32,780. Fiscal Note: Funding is available in the following Org-Objects $79,280 (expected amount) 6048401 52200 50046-Contracted Services.   Not available Not available
0233-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe requesting the creation of an ordinance that governs the certification of debt from unpaid parking citations and provides debtors with the administrative procedure by which to appeal the certification of debtCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe, requesting the creation of an ordinance that governs the certification of debt from unpaid parking citations and provides debtors with the administrative procedure by which to appeal the certification of debt and/or to contest the parking citation. Staff Recommendation: To Defer Fiscal Note: The fiscal impact will be determined by the eligible parking citation debt, which may vary from year to year.   Not available Not available
0235-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Finance Director requesting review and approval of the City's Investment Policy and public depositories.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Finance Director requesting review and approval of the City's Investment Policy and public depositories. Staff Recommendation: To Defer Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0236-25 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Finance Director, requesting permission to submit the presentation of the unaudited 4th Quarter 2024 Fiscal Results and investment summaries. Staff Recommendation: To Defer Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0244-25 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kelly requesting to refer the RPA version of the tentative agreement that was submitting to the attorney’s office on November 11, 2024 (with the healthcare language included), to be sent to Finance & Personnel for signature and adoption by council. Staff Recommendation: The item should be received and filed, because the November 11, 2024, draft provided by the Racine Police Association is not a tentative agreement, is not properly formatted to be executed, is not consistent with the contractual terms negotiated by the parties, is not consistent with the contractual terms approved by the Common Council on March 21, 2023, and in part violates arbitrator and judicial decisions. Further, to implement the language in the November 11, 2024, draft provided by the Racine Police Association would incur substantial costs, exacerbating the City of Racine’s structural deficit and potentially leading to significant negative consequences for City operations. Fiscal Note: Several components of this proposal will have both a short term and long-term fiscal   Not available Not available
0250-25 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason and Alder Coe, on behalf of the Director of City Development, requesting permission to enter into a Development Incentive Agreement with Dominion 12, LLC and Dominion 14, LLC, and AOA Racine, LLC for the Dominion Downtown Phase 2 project. Staff Recommendation: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into a Development Incentive Agreement and execute all necessary documents with Dominion 12, LLC and Dominion 14, LLC, and AOA Racine, LLC for the Dominion Downtown Phase 2 project. Fiscal Note: The $9.7M loan to the developer will come from the following sources: · $5.7 million will be transferred from TID #9 (Johnson Building)-Cash is available for this transfer · $4 million will come from a City borrowing from the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands as authorized by the Common Council.   Not available Not available
0252-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, on behalf of the Human Services Department, to apply for a workforce development fast forward grant at the WI Department of Workforce Development in relation to the Development in relation to the public safCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, on behalf of the Human Resources Department, requesting permission to apply for a workforce development fast forward grant at the WI Department of Workforce Development in relation to the public safety cadet and youth employment program. Staff Recommendation: That the Human Resources Department be granted permission to apply for a workforce development fast forward grant at the WI Department of Workforce Development in relation to the public safety cadet and youth employment program. Fiscal Note: Required cash or in-kind match is 50% of the amount of the grant award. Grant Control #00628 (HR/Fire Dept.) $202,510.18 Grant Control #00629 (HR/CDL program) $174,948.   Not available Not available
0139-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Davis, on behalf of Corey Prince of the Racine Juneteenth Parade Committee, requesting to use the city right-of-way on Saturday, June 14, 2025, for the 3rd Annual Racine Juneteenth Day Parade. Staff RecommendaCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Davis, on behalf of Corey Prince of the Racine Juneteenth Parade Committee, requesting to use the city right-of-way on Saturday, June 14, 2025, for the 3rd Annual Racine Juneteenth Day Parade. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 03.11.25: That permission be granted to the Racine Juneteenth Parade Committee, to close the following streets: Lake Ave from 4th St to 6th St. 4th St. from Lake Ave to Main St., Main St. from 4th St. to 14th St., 14th St. from Main St. to Grand Ave, Grand Ave. from 14th St. to Caron Butler Dr. , for a period time of 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 14, 2025, per the attached stipulations. Fiscal Note: Racine Police Department costs is estimated at $15,000.   Not available Not available
0208-25 A Subject: Communication Sponsored by Alder Davis, on behalf of the Commissioner of Public Works, submitting the following alley to be included in the 2025 Public Hearing for 2026 Construction. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services CommiCommunicationSubject: Communication Sponsored by Alder Davis, on behalf of the Commissioner of Public Works, submitting the following alley to be included in the 2025 Public Hearing for 2026 Construction. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 03.11.25: That the following alley bounded by: · 20th St. - Dekoven Ave. and Case Ave. - Jay Eye See Ave. E-W as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be considered for the reconstruction with Portland Cement Concrete Paving and that a preliminary resolution be introduced. Fiscal Note: This is an assessable alley project and, therefore, all costs will be paid by the abutting property owners.   Not available Not available
0210-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Maack on behalf of the City Engineer submitting a Three-Party Consulting Engineering Services Contract between the City of Racine, WisDOT, and EMCS, Inc. for State Project ID: 2703-05-03, Spring Street from FairwaCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Maack on behalf of the City Engineer submitting a Three-Party Consulting Engineering Services Agreement between the City of Racine, WisDOT, and EMCS, Inc. for State Project ID: 2703-05-03, Spring Street from Fairway Dr. to STH 38. Staff Recommendation: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to enter into a three-party consulting engineering services agreement between the City of Racine, WisDOT, and EMCS, Inc., for State Project ID: 2703-05-03, Spring Street from Fairway Dr. to STH 38, in the not-to-exceed amount of $391,862.66, with the City’s share being $78,372.53 and the State’s share being $313,490.13. Fiscal Note: Funding is available in Org-Object 45040-57500 - DPW Paving.   Not available Not available
0211-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Davis, on behalf of the City Engineer, rescinding Resolution 0106-25.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Davis, on behalf of the City Engineer, rescinding Resolution 0106-25. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 03.11.25: To approve. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0218-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Perez, on behalf of the City Engineer, amending Resolution 1047-24, changing Contract 2025002 to Contract 2025003. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 03.11.25: to approve. FCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Perez, on behalf of the City Engineer, amending Resolution 1047-24, changing Contract 2025002 to Contract 2025003. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 03.11.25: To approve. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0219-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Maack, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting Change Order No. 2 to Contract 2023042 - 2023 CIPP Lining, Musson Bros., Inc.., Contractors. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and ServicesCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Maack, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting Change Order No. 2 to Contract 2023042 - 2023 CIPP Lining, Musson Bros., Inc.., Contractors. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 03.11.25: That Change Order No. 2 to Contract 2023042 - 2023 CIPP Lining, Musson Bros., Inc.., Contractors, be approved in the deduct amount of ($247,699.15). Fiscal Note: Funding for this change order is credited in the following Org-Object: 40104 57560 Sanitary Sewer.   Not available Not available
0220-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Maack, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting final payment for Contract 2023042 - 2023 CIPP Lining, Musson Bros., Inc.., Contractors. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services ComCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Maack, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting final payment for Contract 2023042 - 2023 CIPP Lining, Musson Bros., Inc.., Contractors. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 03.11.25: That the work completed by Musson Bros., Inc., Contractor, on 2023042 - 2023 CIPP Lining, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $1,644,098.85 Final payment to include retainage. Fiscal Note: Contract 2023042 was authorized under Resolution No. 0232-23, dated March 21, 2023.   Not available Not available
0201-25 A Subject: Communication presented by Alder Kelly and Alder Davis requesting a discussion of whether to route all cigarette, vaping products and tobacco retailer licenses through the Public Safety and Licensing Committee and Common Council for approval.CommunicationSubject: Communication presented by Alder Kelly and Alder Davis requesting a discussion of whether to route all cigarette, vaping products and tobacco retailer licenses through the Public Safety and Licensing Committee and Common Council for approval. Staff Recommendation: To discuss whether to route all cigarette, vaping products and tobacco retailer licenses through the Public Safety and Licensing Committee and Common Council for approval. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0209-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf on the City Clerk's Office, submitting a new application for a "Class B" Intoxicating Beverage and Fermented Malt Beverage for Adream Social Lounge LLC, DBA Adream social Lounge located at 1518 WaCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf on the City Clerk's Office, submitting a new application for a "Class B" Intoxicating Beverage and Fermented Malt Beverage for Adream Social Lounge LLC, DBA Adream social Lounge located at 1518 Washington Ave, Aprill Wright, Agent. (3rd District) Staff Recommendation: That the Public Safety and Licensing Committee review the application for approval or denial. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0237-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, requesting any consideration, any formal expression of concern, or other actions pursuant to the police report.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, requesting any consideration, any formal expression of concern, or other actions pursuant to the police report. Staff Recommendation: For the Public Safety and Licensing Committee to review and discuss the Police department report, and make and recommendation for consideration or concern. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0238-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City of Racine Police Department, for the licenses premise report.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City of Racine Police Department, for the licenses premise report. Staff Recommendation: For the Public Safety and Licensing Committee to review and discuss the Police department report. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0239-25 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee, requesting the appearance of Natasha Evans, agent for Select 627 LLC, Select located at 1111 Washington Ave, pursuant to a formal expression of concern and also requesting consideration of rescinding the formal expression of concern. Staff Recommendation: For the Public Safety and Licensing Committee to review and discuss the Police department report for the Select. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0147-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, on behalf of the Finance Director, requesting permission to enter into a professional services agreement with Baker Tilly Advisory Group, LP to assist the City with how to Determine, Preserve, Enhance and CCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, on behalf of the Finance Director, requesting permission to enter into a professional services agreement with Baker Tilly Advisory Group, LP to assist the City with how to Determine, Preserve, Enhance and Claim the IRA 22 tax credits eligible for the Lincoln King Community Center Clinic project. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: Motion to approve contract with review back to the Finance and Personnel Committee after phase 2; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be granted permission to enter into a professional services agreement with Baker Tilly Advisory Group, LP to assist the City with how to Determine, Preserve, Enhance and Claim the IRA 22 tax credits eligible for the Lincoln King Community Center Clinic project. Fiscal Note: Contract cost is $146,500. Funding available in 45010 52100 22912. It is currently estimated that the City, because of these services, will receive between $1.3M-$2.0M in direct pay energy credits.   Not available Video Video
0151-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $135,251 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Wisconsin Well Woman ProgramCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $135,251 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Wisconsin Well Woman Program Grant Agreement (Grant Control Numbers #00622, #00621). Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the Public Health Department be authorized to accept reoccurring funding of $135,251 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Wisconsin Well Woman Program Grant Agreement (Grant Control Numbers #00622, #00621). Fiscal Note: No City Match Required   Not available Not available
0152-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $11,855from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Preventive Health & Health SeCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $11,855 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Preventive Health & Health Services (PHHS) Block Grant (Grant Control #00620). Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the Public Health Department be authorized to accept the reoccurring funding of $11,855 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Preventive Health & Health Services (PHHS) Block Grant (Grant Control #00620). Fiscal Note: No City Match Required.   Not available Not available
0153-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $53,680 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Maternal Child Health Block GCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $53,680 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Maternal Child Health Block Grant (Grant Control #00611). Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the Public Health Department be authorized to accept reoccurring funding of $53,680 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Maternal Child Health Block Grant (Grant Control #00611). Fiscal Note: City Match Required: $40,260 (75%) the match will come from the City of Racine’s contribution of staff time, administrative oversight, and reporting tasks.   Not available Not available
0154-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $25,456 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Lead Contract (Grant ControlCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $25,456 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Lead Contract (Grant Control #00610). Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the Public Health Department be authorized to accept reoccurring funding of $25,456 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Lead Contract (Grant Control #00610). Fiscal Note: No City Match Required.   Not available Not available
0155-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $6,390 from the WI Department of Health Services for the HIV CTR Testing Fee for Service Grant AgreementCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to enter into an agreement and accept reoccurring funding of $21,000 from the WI Department of Health Services for the HIV Prevention/Partner Services Agreement (Grant Control #00623). Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the Public Health Department be authorized to enter into an agreement and accept reoccurring funding of $21,000 from the WI Department of Health Services for the HIV Prevention/Partner Services Agreement (Grant Control #00623). Fiscal Note: No City Match Required.   Not available Not available
0156-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $34,040 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Immunization Contract (GrantCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $34,040 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Immunization Contract (Grant Control #00609). Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the Public Health Department be authorized to accept the reoccurring funding of $34,040 from the WI Department of Health Services for the 2025 Consolidated - Immunization Contract (Grant Control #00609). Fiscal Note: No City Match Required.   Not available Not available
0158-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $6,390 from the WI Department of Health Services for the HIV CTR Testing Fee for Service Grant AgreementCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Public Health Department, requesting permission to accept reoccurring funding of $6,390 from the WI Department of Health Services for the HIV CTR Testing Fee for Service Grant Agreement (Grant Control #00624). Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the Public Health Department be authorized to accept the reoccurring funding of $6,390 from the WI Department of Health Services for the HIV CTR Testing Fee for Service Grant Agreement (Grant Control #00624). Fiscal Note: No City Match Required.   Not available Not available
0159-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alderman Maurice Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Earl Tucker for consideration for disallowance. Staff Recommendation: The claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/ACommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Earl Tucker for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0160-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alderman Maurice Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Patricia Peksa for consideration for disallowance. Staff Recommendation: The claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/ACommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Patricia Peksa for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0161-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alderman Maurice Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Alex Madisen for consideration for disallowance. Staff Recommendation: The claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/ACommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Alex Madisen for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0162-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alderman Maurice Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Adam A. Locke for consideration for disallowance. Staff Recommendation: The claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/ACommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, submitting the claim of Adam A. Locke for consideration for disallowance. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the claim be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0163-25 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian, requesting consideration of a parking fee waiver for the September 13, 2025 Veterans Stand Down event at Festival Hall, which provides essential services to homeless and at-risk veterans. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the request for a parking fee waiver for the September 13, 2025 Veterans Stand Down event at Festival Hall, which provides essential services to homeless and at-risk veterans be approved. Fiscal Note: Cost not to exceed $1,500.   Not available Video Video
0163-25 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian, requesting consideration of a parking fee waiver for the September 13, 2025 Veterans Stand Down event at Festival Hall, which provides essential services to homeless and at-risk veterans. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: That the request for a parking fee waiver for the September 13, 2025 Veterans Stand Down event at Festival Hall, which provides essential services to homeless and at-risk veterans be approved. Fiscal Note: Cost not to exceed $1,500.   Not available Video Video
0196-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Finance Director, to approve a resolution authorizing the issuance and establishing the parameters for the sale of up to $17,000,000 of 2025 general obligation promissory notes dated MarchCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Horton, on behalf of the Finance Director, to approve a resolution authorizing the issuance and establishing the parameters for the sale of up to $17,000,000 of 2025 general obligation promissory notes dated March 17, 2025 to be used as a bridge loan for paying the cost associated with the construction of the Lincoln King Community Center Clinic as authorized by the Common Council via resolution 0683-24 on August 20, 2024. Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: To approve a presentation of sale results and related resolution authorizing the issuance and establishing the parameters for the sale of up to $17,000,000 of 2025 general obligation promissory notes dated March 17, 2025 to be used as a bridge loan for paying the cost associated with the construction of the Lincoln King Community Center Clinic as authorized by the Common Council via resolution 0683-24 on August 20, 2024. Fiscal Note: Short term note to cover construction costs before other funding sources are available. Estimated interest rate    Not available Video Video
0136-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Perez, on behalf of the City Engineer, requesting approval of the Encroachment Report for State Project ID: 2703-00-06, Ohio Street (Limits: Washington Ave. to Graceland Blvd.) Staff Recommendation to the PublCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Perez, on behalf of the City Engineer, requesting approval of the Encroachment Report for State Project ID: 2703-00-06, Ohio Street (Limits: Washington Ave. to Graceland Blvd.) Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 02.25.25: That Encroachment Report for State Project ID: 2703-00-06, Ohio Street (Limits: Washington Ave. to Graceland Blvd.) be approved. Fiscal Note: Funding for the removal notices is negligible. Funding for roadway construction will be provided in the CIP in 2027.   Not available Not available
0137-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Perez, on behalf of the Commissioner of Public Works, submitting a professional services agreement between the City of Racine and AECOM. Staff Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 02.25.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Perez, on behalf of the Commissioner of Public Works, submitting a professional services agreement between the City of Racine and AECOM. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 02.25.25: That the Public Works and Services Committee approve the professional services agreement and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement between the City of Racine and AECOM for 2025 Pavement Inspection and Planning, in the not-to-exceed amount of $113,400.00. Fiscal Note: Funding is available in the following Org-Object:45040 57110 - Pavement Management Services.   Not available Not available
0138-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Perez, on behalf of the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works Waive Formal Bidding for the Safety Building Elevator Jack Repair. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 02.25.25: ThaCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Perez, on behalf of the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works, requesting to Waive Formal Bidding for the Safety Building Elevator Jack Repair. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 02.25.25: That the request of the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works to waive formal bidding procedures for the Safety Building Elevator Jack Repair, Express Elevator contractor. Fiscal Note: Funding to defray the cost is available in Org-Object 70240 54100 Building Repairs and Maintenance.   Not available Not available
0146-25 A Subject:Communication sponsored by Alder Maack, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting bid results for Contract 2025005 - 2025 Sanitary Sewer Main CIPP Lining. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 02.25.25CommunicationSubject:Communication sponsored by Alder Maack, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting bid results for Contract 2025005 - 2025 Sanitary Sewer Main CIPP Lining. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 02.25.25: That Contract 2025005 - 2025 Sanitary Sewer Main CIPP Lining, be awarded to Visu-Sewer in the amount of $839,608.25, they being the lowest responsible, responsive bidder. Fiscal Note: Funding is available in the following Org-Objects: $572,065.25 22640 57560 Sanitary Sewer $60,693.00 60484 57570 Storm Sewers $206,850.00 40102 57560 RWWU $839,608.25 Total   Not available Not available
0896-24 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, to adopt Ord.0007-24 - Mobile Food Establishments Hours of Operation.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, to adopt Ord.0007-24 - Mobile Food Establishments Hours of Operation. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 10-09-2024: That the ordinance be deferred to be amended to include a permit fee for after hours. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 01-15-2025: That the ordinance be Approved. Recommendation of the Common Council on 01-21-2025: That the item be referred back to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: That the ordinance be Approved with the Amendment of Closing hours at 1:00am. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Video Video
0110-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City Clerk's Office, submitting a new application for a Waste Tire Generator License, L-A Tires LLC DBA J/L Used Tires 2, located at 1504 Douglas Ave, Luis Bautista, Owner. (4th District)CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City Clerk's Office, submitting a new application for a Waste Tire Generator License, L-A Tires LLC DBA J/L Used Tires 2, located at 1504 Douglas Ave, Luis Bautista, Owner. (4th District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: That the application for a Waste Tire Generator License, L-A Tires LLC DBA J/L Used Tires 2, located at 1504 Douglas Ave, Luis Bautista, Owner. (4th District), be Approved. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0111-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City Clerk's Office, submitting a renewal application for a Waste Tire Generator License, L-A Tires LLC DBA J/L Used Tires, located at 1626 Douglas Ave, Luis Bautista, Owner. (4th District)CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City Clerk's Office, submitting a renewal application for a Waste Tire Generator License, L-A Tires LLC DBA J/L Used Tires, located at 1626 Douglas Ave, Luis Bautista, Owner. (4th District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: That the application for a Waste Tire Generator License, L-A Tires LLC DBA J/L Used Tires, located at 1626 Douglas Ave, Luis Bautista, Owner. (4th District) be Approved. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0113-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City of Racine Police Department, for the licenses premise report.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City of Racine Police Department, for the licenses premise report. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: That the licenses premise report, be Approved. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0114-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City Clerk’s Office, submitting a new application for Charles Long DBA Douglas Ave Spa located at 3417 Douglas Ave, Charles Long, Agent (15th District)CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City Clerk’s Office, submitting a new massage establishment application for Charles Long DBA Douglas Ave Spa located at 3417 Douglas Ave, Charles Long, Agent (15th District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: That the new massage establishment application for Charles Long DBA Douglas Ave Spa located at 3417 Douglas Ave, Charles Long, Agent (15th District), be Denied. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0143-25 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City Clerk’s Office, submitting a new change of hours application for Harold’s Chicken and Ice Bar LLC DBA Harold’s Chicken and Ice Bar located at 1521 Washington Ave, Gia Muhammad, Agent. (3rd District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025:That the new change of hours application for Harold’s Chicken and Ice Bar LLC DBA Harold’s Chicken and Ice Bar located at 1521 Washington Ave, Gia Muhammad, Agent. (3rd District), be Denied. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0149-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, requesting any consideration, any formal expression of concern, or other actions pursuant to the police report.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, requesting any consideration, any formal expression of concern, or other actions pursuant to the police report. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: To request the appearance of the Select 627 Bar located at 1111 Washington Ave, Natasha Evans, Agent, be Approved. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0150-25 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Peete, on behalf of the City of Racine Police Department, for the licenses premise report. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: That the licenses premise report, be Approved. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Not available
0166-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent comCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent committee restructuring to the executive committee. Recommendation by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner: To refer the communication to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Common Council on 02-19-2025: That the item be referred to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: To be Approved. Fiscal Note: None   Not available Video Video
0166-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent comCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent committee restructuring to the executive committee. Recommendation by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner: To refer the communication to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Common Council on 02-19-2025: That the item be referred to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: To be Approved. Fiscal Note: None   Not available Video Video
0166-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent comCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent committee restructuring to the executive committee. Recommendation by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner: To refer the communication to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Common Council on 02-19-2025: That the item be referred to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: To be Approved. Fiscal Note: None   Not available Video Video
0166-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent comCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent committee restructuring to the executive committee. Recommendation by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner: To refer the communication to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Common Council on 02-19-2025: That the item be referred to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: To be Approved. Fiscal Note: None   Not available Video Video
0166-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent comCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent committee restructuring to the executive committee. Recommendation by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner: To refer the communication to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Common Council on 02-19-2025: That the item be referred to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: To be Approved. Fiscal Note: None   Not available Video Video
0166-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent comCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent committee restructuring to the executive committee. Recommendation by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner: To refer the communication to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Common Council on 02-19-2025: That the item be referred to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: To be Approved. Fiscal Note: None   Not available Video Video
0166-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent comCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent committee restructuring to the executive committee. Recommendation by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner: To refer the communication to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Common Council on 02-19-2025: That the item be referred to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: To be Approved. Fiscal Note: None   Not available Video Video
0166-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent comCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent committee restructuring to the executive committee. Recommendation by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner: To refer the communication to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Common Council on 02-19-2025: That the item be referred to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: To be Approved. Fiscal Note: None   Not available Video Video
0166-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent comCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent committee restructuring to the executive committee. Recommendation by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner: To refer the communication to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Common Council on 02-19-2025: That the item be referred to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: To be Approved. Fiscal Note: None   Not available Video Video
0166-25 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent comCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner presenting Ordinance 0001-25 - Common Council Committee Structure. Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the executive committee as past practice has always sent committee restructuring to the executive committee. Recommendation by Alder Kaprelian and Alderman Weidner: To refer the communication to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Common Council on 02-19-2025: That the item be referred to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2025: To be Approved. Fiscal Note: None   Not available Video Video
0245-25 A  CommunicationSubject: Consideration of a request to appeal a decision of the Planning, Heritage, and Design Commission made on December 2, 2024, by Robert Watring, representing Wa-Zar, for a conditional use permit for a multi-family residence at 801 Wisconsin Avenue as allowed by Sec. 114-157 of the Municipal Code. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Video Video
0245-25 A  CommunicationSubject: Consideration of a request to appeal a decision of the Planning, Heritage, and Design Commission made on December 2, 2024, by Robert Watring, representing Wa-Zar, for a conditional use permit for a multi-family residence at 801 Wisconsin Avenue as allowed by Sec. 114-157 of the Municipal Code. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Video Video
0247-25 A  CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, requesting a street privilege for a roof overhang encroachment for the Lincoln King Community Center and Clinic on West Street, between Dr. Martin Luther King Drive and the east property line of 1329 West Street. Staff Recommendation to the Common Council on 03-04-25: That the Lincoln King Community Center and Clinic QALICB, Inc., be granted permission to install a roof overhang over the City right-of-way on West Street, between Dr. Martin Luther King Drive and the east property line of 1329 West Street, in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes section 66.0425, Privileges in Streets. Fiscal Note: There will be no cost to the City of Racine.   Not available Video Video
0248-25 A  CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason requesting approval of discontinuance of the public right of way on the portion of West Street between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and the east property line of 1329 West Street. Staff Recommendation to the Common Council on 03-04-25: That the Common Council find that the public interest requires that the portion of West Street between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and the east property line of 1329 West Street be discontinued pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes section 66.1003 and that, pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes section 66.1003 a public hearing on the passage of a Resolution discontinuing the portion of West Street between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and the east property line of 1329 West Street be held not less than 40 days after this date. Fiscal Note: N/A   Not available Video Video
0249-25 A  CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason requesting authorization for the transfer of property at 960 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive to and for the operation of the Lincoln King Community Center and Clinic QALICB, Inc. Staff Recommendation to the Common Council on 03-04-25: That the Mayor, City Clerk, and other relevant City staff be authorized and directed to execute all necessary documents and take all other necessary actions to effect the effect the transfer of property at 960 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive to Lincoln King Community Center and Clinic QALICB, Inc. Fiscal Note: There will be nominal costs associated with this item. Property recording fees are expected to total $30.00.   Not available Video Video