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Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/4/2019 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 205
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
0665-19 A  CommunicationSubject: Pride Month   Action details Video Video
0560-19 A Communication from the Fire Chief requesting the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Wisconsin Emergency Management/State Regional Hazardous Materials Response Team contract for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Shakoor II requesting the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Wisconsin Emergency Management/State Regional Hazardous Materials Response Team contract for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee Agenda on 05-28-2019: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Wisconsin Emergency Management/State Regional Hazardous Material Response Team contract for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021. Fiscal Note: The City will receive $98,190 for the services rendered.Approved  Action details Video Video
0561-19 A Communication from the Fire Chief requesting permission to accept $20,000 plus an additional $12,500 from Ascension All Saints Hospital and Foundation to cover program costs and training associated with the Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) program. (GrCommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Shakoor II requesting permission to accept $20,000 plus an additional $12,500 from Ascension All Saints Hospital and Foundation to cover program costs and training associated with the Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) program. (Grant control #00242) Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 05-28-2019: That permission be granted to accept $20,000 plus an additional $12,500 from Ascension All Saints and Foundation to cover program costs and training associated with the Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) program. Fiscal Note: $20,000 will cover stipends and supplies for the MIH program while the $12,500 will cover the cost of sending five paramedics to the UW-Milwaukee MIH training program. There is no city match required.Approved  Action details Video Video
0562-19 A Communication from the Fire Chief requesting permission to accept funding from Bombardier Recreational Products US of Sturtevant, Wisconsin, for the purpose of outfitting a Rescue Utility Task Vehicle (UTV). (Grant control #00169)CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Shakoor II requesting permission to accept funding from Bombardier Recreational Products US of Sturtevant, Wisconsin for the purpose of outfitting a Rescue Utility Task Vehicle (UTV). (Grant control #00169) Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 05-28-2019: That permission be granted to accept funding from Bombardier Recreational Products US of Sturtevant, Wisconsin for the purpose of outfitting a Rescue Utility Task Vehicle. Fiscal Note: The grant awarded is for $4,400. There is no hard match for the grant.Approved  Action details Video Video
0566-19 A Communication from Chief Howell requesting to apply for and accept the 2019 Federal Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant (#00241)CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Shakoor II requesting to apply for and accept the 2019 Federal Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant (#00241) Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 05-28-2019: That permission be granted to apply for and accept the 2019 Federal Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant. Fiscal Note: The $17,500 grant will fund 50% of the estimated project cost of $35,000 (50 vests@$700/each.) The City's $17,500 portion is budgeted in the Police Departments 2019 operating budget.Approved  Action details Video Video
0582-19 A Subject: Communication from Mayor Mason requesting to award $25,000 in “S.T.A.R.T. Grant” (Supporting Tourism Allocation of Room Tax) Funding to the Racine Zoo in support of marketing activities for the 2019 Chinese Lantern Festival consistent with the grCommunicationSubject: Communication from Mayor Mason requesting to award $25,000 in “S.T.A.R.T. Grant” (Supporting Tourism Allocation of Room Tax) Funding to the Racine Zoo in support of marketing activities for the 2019 Chinese Lantern Festival consistent with the grant application submitted. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 05-28-2019: That, consistent with the unanimous recommendation of the S.T.A.R.T. Grant Review Committee, the request from the Racine Zoo for $25,000 in S.T.A.R.T. grant funding be awarded to fund marketing activities in support of the 2019 Chinese Lantern Festival. Fiscal Note: The $25,000 Grant award will come from the City’s 2019 budgeted allocation of receipted Room Tax collections as specifically earmarked for Supporting Tourism Allocation of Room Tax Grant funds. The total current amount available in 2019 for these purposes is $63,320.00. If this award is funded, $38,320.00 will remain for possible additional awards consistent with grant program guidelines.Approved  Action details Video Video
0646-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Shakoor II requesting approval of a Brownfield Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund loan of $1,263,000 and additional terms and conditions to Racine Harborside, LLC and directing Mayor, Clerk, Attorney and City staff to execute loCommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Shakoor II requesting approval of a Brownfield Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund loan of $1,263,000 and additional terms and conditions to Racine Harborside, LLC and directing Mayor, Clerk and City Staff to execute loan documents to facilitate the loan. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 05-28-2019: That the request for approval of a Brownfield Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund loan of $1,263,000 and additional terms and conditions to Racine Harborside, LLC be approved. Further that the Mayor, City Clerk, and City Staff be authorized to execute loan documents to facilitate the loan. Fiscal Note: The Brownfield Cleanup Revolving Loan will be made from grant proceeds received from the US Environmental Protection Agency. No City funds will be used to transact this loan.Approved  Action details Video Video
0336-19 A Communication from the President of Fourth Fest of Greater Racine, Inc., requesting permission to use City right-of-way for the 4th of July Parade on July 4, 2019.CommunicationSubject: Communication from the President of Fourth Fest of Greater Racine, Inc., requesting permission to use City right-of-way for the 4th of July Parade on July 4, 2019. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-09-18: That permission be granted to Fourth Fest of Greater Racine, Inc. to close certain City streets on Thursday, July 4, 2019, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., for the Independence Day Parade. Fiscal Note: Stipulations as attached, the City will give approximatly $148,000 towards parade and other Fourth Fest related events in 2019.Referred  Action details Video Video
0583-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Jung requesting a preliminary resolution for paving the (NS) alley bounded by Washington Avenue to Wright Avenue; Deane Blvd. to Quincy Avenue for 2020 Public Hearings/2021 Construction.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Jung requesting a preliminary resolution for paving the (NS) alley bounded by Washington Avenue to Wright Avenue; Deane Blvd. to Quincy Avenue for 2020 Public Hearings/2021 Construction. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-28-19: That a preliminary resolution be introduced for paving the (NS) alley bounded by Washington Avenue to Wright Avenue; Deane Blvd. to Quincy Avenue for 2020 Public Hearings/2021 Construction. Fiscal Note: This is an assessable alley project and, therefore, all costs will be paid by the abutting property owners.Approved  Action details Video Video
0585-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Jung requesting a preliminary resolution for paving the alley bounded by 15th Street to 16th Street; Grange Avenue to Flett Avenue for 2020 Public Hearings/2021 Construction.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Jung requesting a preliminary resolution for paving the alley bounded by 15th Street to 16th Street; Grange Avenue to Flett Avenue for 2020 Public Hearings/2021 Construction. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-28-19: That a preliminary resolution be introduced for paving the alley bounded by 15th Street to 16th Street; Grange Avenue to Flett Avenue for 2020 Public Hearings/2021 Construction. Fiscal Note: This is an assessable alley project and, therefore, all costs will be paid by the abutting property owners.Approved  Action details Video Video
0597-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Tate ll submitting Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20180089, Roof Replacement - Park Service Center, Carlson Racine Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc., contractor.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Tate ll submitting Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20180089, Roof Replacement - Park Service Center, Carlson Racine Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc., contractor. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-28-19: That Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20180089, Roof Replacement - Park Service Center, Carlson Racine Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc., contractor, be approved in the amount of $1,461.00. Further recommends that funding to defray the cost of the change order be appropriated from Org-Object 45050-57200, Parks-Building Improvements. Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated.Approved  Action details Video Video
0598-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Tate ll requesting approval of the Relocation Order and the acquisition of property located in the Village of Mount Pleasant for State Project ID: 1693-34-26, Lake Michigan Pathway - Phase 4.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Tate ll requesting approval of the Relocation Order and the acquisition of property located in the Village of Mount Pleasant for State Project ID: 1693-34-26, Lake Michigan Pathway - Phase 4. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-28-19: That approval be granted for the Relocation Order and acquisition of property located in the Village of Mount Pleasant for State Project ID: 1693-34-26, Lake Michigan Pathway - Phase 4. Further recommends a letter of thanks be sent to CNH for the donation of land for the pathway. Fiscal Note: Property is being donated by CNH.Approved  Action details Video Video
0624-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Tate II, on behalf of Pentecost Lutheran Church requesting permission to close Jerome Boulevard, from Coolidge Avenue to Case Avenue, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 27, 2019, for their annual church block pCommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Tate II, on behalf of Pentecost Lutheran Church requesting permission to close Jerome Boulevard, from Coolidge Avenue to Case Avenue, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 27, 2019, for their annual church block party. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-28-19: That permission be granted to the Pentecost Lutheran Church to close Jerome Boulevard, from Coolidge Avenue to Case Avenue, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 27, 2019, for their annual church block party, with the attached stipulations. Fiscal Note: There will be nominal costs to the various City departments, on a regular shift basis, to assist in implementing this event.Approved  Action details Video Video
0634-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Lemke and Mayor Mason, submitting the request of the residents of the 3000 block of Ruby Avenue, requesting an exception to Section 86-133 - Widths of streets and pavements, parkways and drainageways.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Lemke and Mayor Mason, submitting the request of the residents of the 3000 block of Ruby Avenue, requesting an exception to Section 86-133 - Widths of streets and pavements, parkways and drainageways. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-28-19: Grant permission for the residents of the 3000 block of Ruby Avenue requesting an exception to Section 86-133 - Widths of streets and pavements, parkways and drainageways. Fiscal Note: These proposed changes will cause no increase in costs to the abutting property owners and reduce miscellaneous cost to the City for sidewalk and other ancillary construction items.Approved  Action details Video Video
0636-19 A Subject: Communication from Mayor Mason and Alder Jones to rename part of 21st Street from Clark Street to Wisconsin Avenue and within the City limits to Caron Butler Drive.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Mayor Mason and Alder Jones to rename part of 21st Street from Clark Street to Wisconsin Avenue and within the City limits to Caron Butler Drive. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-28-19: Approve renaming part of 21st Street from Clark Street to Wisconsin Avenue and within the City limits to Caron Butler Drive. Fiscal Note: The maximum cost to the City is $1200 with funding available in account 14013 - Traffic Regulations budget.ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
0637-19 A Communication from Alder Tate ll, submitting the request of Deborah Hall of J. Jeffers & Co. as agent for 1700 Packard Avenue LLC and agent for Gold Medal Lofts LLC, for an agreement regarding the inspection and maintenance of stormwater management practiCommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Tate ll, submitting the request of Deborah Hall of J. Jeffers & Co. as agent for 1700 Packard Avenue LLC and agent for Gold Medal Lofts LLC, for an agreement regarding the inspection and maintenance of stormwater management practices at 1700 and 1701 Packard Avenue. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-28-19: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to sign the agreement with the property owner(s) per Ordinance sec. 98-410. Fiscal Note: There will be nominal costs to various City departments, on a regular shift basis, to assist in implementing this agreement.Approved  Action details Video Video
0638-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Tate ll, submitting the request of Deborah Hall of J. Jeffers. & Co., agent for 1700 Packard Avenue LLC for a stormwater utility easement for 1700 Packard Avenue. Subject: Communication from Alder Tate ll, submitting tCommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Tate ll, submitting the request of Deborah Hall of J. Jeffers. & Co., agent for 1700 Packard Avenue LLC for a stormwater utility easement for 1700 Packard Avenue. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-28-19: That the City Attorney take the necessary steps to enter into a stormwater utility easement for 1700 Packard Avenue and that a hold harmless agreement be executed and a $150.00 processing fee be paid. Fiscal Note: There will be nominal costs to various City departments, on a regular shift basis, to assist in implementing this easement.Approved  Action details Video Video
0641-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Tate ll submitting Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20180123, State Street Lift Bridge - Electrical Updates, Faith Technologies, Inc., contractor.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Tate ll submitting Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20180123, State Street Lift Bridge - Electrical Updates, Faith Technologies, Inc., contractor. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-28-19: That Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20180123, State Street Lift Bridge - Electrical Updates, Faith Technologies, Inc., contractor, be approved in the amount of $35,820.00. Further recommends that funding to defray the cost of the change order be appropriated from Org-Object 40402-57545, Bridges-State. Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated.Approved  Action details Video Video
0661-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Tate II on behalf of the Public Works and Services Committee submitting the final resolution for the following:CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Tate II on behalf of the Public Works and Services Committee submitting the final resolution for the following: Portland Cement Concrete Paving Monroe Avenue - Twentieth Street to Nineteenth Street Savoy Circle - Cul-De-Sac to Cecelia Park Drive Howard Street - Westwood Drive to Cul-De-Sac Alley - Mohr Avenue to Carmel Avenue; Graham Street to Chicago Street Chatham Street - Lombard Avenue to Dead End N. Wisconsin Street - Cul-De-Sac to Carlton Drive Alley - North Street to Shoreland Drive; First Avenue to LaSalle Street Bituminous Concrete Paving Monroe Avenue - Twentieth Street to Nineteenth Street Savoy Circle - Cul-De-Sac to Cecelia Park Drive Howard Street - Westwood Drive to Cul-De-Sac Chatham Street - Lombard Avenue to Dead End N. Wisconsin Street - Cul-De-Sac to Carlton Drive Sewer & Water Monroe Avenue - Twentieth Street to Nineteenth Street Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-28-19: To refer the final resolution back to the Public Works and Services Committee for final review. Approved  Action details Video Video
0461-19 A Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee requesting the appearance of BJW LLC located at 1301 Washington Ave. in regards to concerns about not actively being engaged in business.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee requesting the appearance of BJW LLC located at 1301 Washington Ave. in regards to concerns about not actively being engaged in business, and consideration of the "Class B" liquor license renewal. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 04-23-19: That the communication from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee requesting the appearance of BJW LLC located at 1301 Washington Ave. in regards to concerns about not actively being engaged in business be deferred for two weeks. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-14-19: That the communication from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee requesting the appearance of BJW LLC located at 1301 Washington Ave. in regards to concerns about not actively being engaged in business be deferred for two weeks. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-28-19: That the communication from the Public Safety and Licensing Committee requesting the appearance of BJW LLC located aReferred  Action details Video Video
0445-19 A Subject: (New) Application of Green Golf Partners LLC dba Washington Park Golf Course, John Rader, Agent, for a Change of Agent for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for 2801 Twelfth Street. (3rd District)CommunicationSubject: (New) Application of Green Golf Partners LLC dba Washington Park Golf Course, John Rader, Agent, for a Change of Agent for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage for 2801 Twelfth Street. (3rd District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-14-19: That the Application of Green Golf Partners LLC dba Washington Park Golf Course, John Rader, Agent, for a Change of Agent for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage for 2801 Twelfth Street. (3rd District) be deferred for two weeks. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-28-19: That the Application of Green Golf Partners LLC dba Washington Park Golf Course, John Rader, Agent, for a Change of Agent for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage for 2801 Twelfth Street. (3rd District) be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
0446-19 A Subject: (New) Application of Green Golf Partners LLC dba Johnson Park Golf Course, John Rader, Agent, for a Change of Agent for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for 6200 Northwestern Ave. (6th District)CommunicationSubject: (New) Application of Green Golf Partners LLC dba Johnson Park Golf Course, John Rader, Agent, for a Change of Agent for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage for 6200 Northwestern Ave. (6th District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-14-19: That the application of Green Golf Partners LLC dba Johnson Park Golf Course, John Rader, Agent, for a Change of Agent for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage for 6200 Northwestern Ave. (6th District) be deferred for two weeks. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-28-19: That the application of Green Golf Partners LLC dba Johnson Park Golf Course, John Rader, Agent, for a Change of Agent for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage for 6200 Northwestern Ave. (6th District) be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
0542-19 A Subject: Request the appearance of Ms. Perkins, Agent of 509 located at 509 Sixth Street, to discuss the recent incidents occuring at this location, as well as consideration of liquor license renewal.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Coe on behalf of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee requesting the appearance of Ms. Perkins, Agent of 509 located at 509 Sixth Street, in regards to recent incidents occuring at this location, as well as consideration of liquor license renewal. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-28-19: That the formal expression of concern of Ms. Perkins, Agent of 509 located at 509 Sixth Street be recieved and filed, and the liquor license renewal be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
0563-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Coe wishing to discuss and put into place a procedure for screening new alcohol retail licenses and addressing problem premises.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Coe wishing to discuss and put into place a procedure for screening new alcohol retail licenses and addressing problem premises. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-14-19: That the Communication from Alder Coe wishing to discuss and put into place a procedure for screening new alcohol retail licenses and addressing problem premises be deferred for two weeks. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-28-19: That the procedure for screening new alcohol retail licenses and addressing problem premises be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
0595-19 A (New) Application for a Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage License for SNIVA, Inc. DBA Christianos Supermarket, located at 2054 Kearney Ave, Snehaben Dixit Patel, Agent. (3rd District)CommunicationSubject: (New) Communication from Alder Coe submitting an application for a Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage License for SNIVA, Inc. DBA Christianos Supermarket, located at 2054 Kearney Ave, Snehaben Dixit Patel, Agent. (3rd District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-28-19: That the application for a Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage License for SNIVA, Inc. DBA Christianos Supermarket, located at 2054 Kearney Ave, Snehaben Dixit Patel, Agent. (3rd District) be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
0600-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Coe submitting the remaining liquor license renewal applications for 2019-2020.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Coe submitting the remaining liquor license renewal applications for 2019-2020. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-28-19: That the attached liquor license renewal applications for 2019-2020 be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
0618-19 A Subject: Request the appearance of Mr. Stewart, Agent of Reruns Lounge, located at 1111 Washington Ave, to discuss the recent incidents occuring at this location, as well as consideration of liquor license renewal.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Coe on behalf of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee requesting the appearance of Mr. Stewart, Agent of Reruns Lounge, located at 1111 Washington Ave, in regards to recent incidents occuring at this location, as well as consideration of liquor license renewal. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-28-19: That the formal expression of concern of Mr. Stewart, Agent of Reruns Lounge, located at 1111 Washington Ave be recieved and filed, and the renewal liquor license be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
0619-19 A Subject: Request the appearance of Mr. Maurkis, Agent of Midtown Market, located at 1229 Eleventh Street, to discuss the consideration of liquor license renewal.CommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Coe on behalf of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee requesting the appearance of Mr. Maurkis, Agent of Midtown Market, located at 1229 Eleventh Street, in regards to the consideration of liquor license renewal. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-28-19: That the appearance of Mr. Maurkis, Agent of Midtown Market, located at 1229 Eleventh Street, in regards to the consideration of liquor license renewal be approved, and the owner be called in for consideration of his cigarette and tobacco license. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
0651-19 A Subject: A communication by Alder Coe on behalf of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee requesting the appearance of BJW LLC located at 1301 Washington Ave. in regards for the consideration of liquor license renewal.CommunicationSubject: A communication by Alder Coe on behalf of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee requesting the appearance of BJW LLC located at 1301 Washington Ave. in regards for the consideration of liquor license renewal. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-28-19: That the renewal application of BJW LLC located at 1301 Washington Ave. be denied. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
Ord.0010-19 A Ordinance 0010-19 - Ch. 66 Vapor ProductsOrdinanceOrdinance 0010-19 - Ch. 66 Vapor Products Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-14-19: That the Ordinance 0010-19 - Ch. 66 Vapor Products be deferred for two weeks. Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 05-28-19: That the Ordinance 0010-19 - Ch. 66 Vapor Products be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
0437-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Jones requesting that the action of the Common Council of January 15, 2019, granting a conditional use permit to Fury II, LLC, to allow mixed use in an exisiting building, at 1800 Clark Street and 1825 Holborn Street, beCommunicationSubject: Communication from Alder Jones requesting that the action of the Common Council of January 15, 2019, granting a conditional use permit to Fury II, LLC, to allow mixed use in an existing building, at 1800 Clark Street and 1825 Holborn Street, be rescinded, and that Resolution 0996-18, dated January 15, 2019, be rescinded. Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 05-22-19: That the action of the Common Council of January 15, 2019 granting a conditional use permit to Fury III, LLC to allow mixed use in an existing building at 1800 Clark Street and 1825 Holborn Street be rescinded and that Resolution 0996-18 dated January 15, 2019 be rescinded. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
0603-19 A (Direct Referral) Request by Reynaldo Trujillo Jr. of Uncle Rey’s Candy Store and More seeking a conditional use permit to operate a takeout -carryout restaurant at 501 High Street (PC-19).CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Request by Reynaldo Trujillo Jr. of Uncle Rey’s Candy Store and More seeking a conditional use permit to operate a takeout -carryout restaurant at 501 High Street (PC-19). Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 05-22-19: That the request by Reynaldo Trujillo Jr. of Uncle Rey's Candy Store and More seeking a conditional use permit to operate a takeout-carryout restaurant at 501 High Street be approved subject to conditions. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved  Action details Video Video
0609-19 A Direct ReferralCommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from Mayor Mason requesting of the Department of City Development to approve the 2019 Annual Action Plan. Staff Recommendation: That the Community Development Committee recommend approval of the 2019 Annual Action Plan for the City of Racine and that staff be permitted to submit the 2019 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Fiscal Note: The City of Racine will receive the following funding from HUD for 2019: CDBG $1,897,496; HOME $505,439; ESG $161,218.Approved  Action details Video Video
0653-19 A Subject: Communication from Alder Jones on behalf of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department wishing to accept a donation from the Nancy Lieberman Charities of a Dream Court at the Dr. John Bryant Community Center valued at $75,000.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from Alder Land on behalf of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department wishing to accept a donation from the Nancy Lieberman Charities of a Dream Court at the Dr. John Bryant Community Center valued at $75,000 (Grant Control 00246). Office of the Mayor Recommendation on 06-04-2019: That permission be granted to accept a donation from the Nancy Lieberman Charities of a Dream Court at the Dr. John Bryant Community Center valued at $75,000 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute any documents required to effect the acceptance of the donation and the installation of the Dream Court at the Dr. John Bryant Community Center. Fiscal Note: No match or cost to the CityApproved  Action details Video Video
0662-19 A Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from Mayor Mason on behalf of 1,000 Friends of Wisconsin seeking permission to apply for grant funds on behalf of the City of Racine along with other eligible Legacy Communities for a portion of federal funding thaCommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from Mayor Mason on behalf of 1,000 Friends of Wisconsin seeking permission to apply for grant funds on behalf of the City of Racine along with other eligible Legacy Communities for a portion of federal funding that the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Forest Service anticipate will be available for tree plantings in the Great Lakes Basin (Grant Control 00248). Office of the Mayor Recommendation on 06-04-2019: That permission be granted to accept a donation from 1,000 Friends of Wisconsin and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute any documents required to effect the acceptance of the donation. Fiscal Note: It is anticipated that the City could receive an estimated $20,000 to $25,000. A small amount of grant match may be required and would be available in existing budgets should the funding be granted.Approved  Action details Video Video
0640-19 A Subject: Communication from Mayor Mason appointing David Brown as the interim purchasing agent.CommunicationSubject: (Direct Referral) Communication from Mayor Mason appointing David Brown as the interim purchasing agent.Approved  Action details Video Video
0663-19 A Subject: Communication from Mayor Mason submitting the following appoitments: Alder Meekma to the City Plan Commission for a term ending April 20, 2020 Alder Tate II to the Affirmative Action and Human Rights Commission for a term ending April 20, 202CommunicationSubject: Communication from Mayor Mason submitting the following appointments: Alder Meekma to the City Plan Commission for a term ending April 20, 2022 Alder Tate II to the Affirmative Action and Human Rights Commission for a term ending May 2, 2022 Alder Land to the Affirmative Action and Human Rights Commission for a term ending May 2, 2022 Don James Nielsen to the Affirmative Action and Human Rights Commission for a term beginning on September 1, 2019 and ending May 2, 2022 Damian Evans to the Affirmative Action and Human Rights Commission for a term ending May 4, 2020Approved  Action details Video Video