Subject: Communication from the City Administrator and the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authority for approval of a contract with Franke Development Advisors, LLC and the Rinka Architecture Firm to provide economic development and redevelopment consulting and planning services. Further, to waive formal bidding procedures requiring the advertisement and solicitation of bids for professional services exceeding $25,000 for such consulting and planning services and to declare each such contract appropriately “sole-sourced”.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 01-21-2019: To recommend and authorize the use of $90,875 in 2019 Budgeted Intergovernmental Funds to engage the services of Franke Development Advisors., LLC and Rinka Architecture Inc., to perform economic development consulting, planning and marketing services and to waive formal bidding procedures for engaging same by declaring justification that each is an appropriate sole source provider.
Fiscal Note: Total Costs - $90,875; Franke Development Advisors: six-month period at a rate of $5,250/month ($31,500); Rinka Architecture 50% of complete Phase I conceptual designs and MasterPlanning efforts ($30,250) and 50% Phase II Schematic designs and final Master Plan ($29,125)