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Meeting Name: Wastewater Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/23/2019 4:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Annex, Room 227
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
1065-19 A Approval of Minutes 9/4/19CommunicationSubject: Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Wastewater Finance Committee held on September 4, 2019 Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
1066-19 A Approval of Minutes 9/10/19CommunicationSubject: Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Wastewater Finance Committee held on September 10, 2019 Subject: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
1067-19 A Budget Expedintures August 2019CommunicationSubject: Budget Expenditures for August 2019 totaling $1,131,062.24 Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
1068-19 A Project ReportsCommunicationSubject: Project Reports: A) Household Hazardous Waste Event - September 21 B) Update on Vacancies C) Pretreatment Updates D) TAC Update E) WPDES Update F) Property Acquisition Update G) Spring Street Tank Update H) September 13 SSO Report Recommendation: Receive and FileReceived and FiledPass Action details Not available
1069-19 A Subject: Change Order No. 15 on Contract A-18, Lift Station No. 2 Storage Basin, Miron Construction Co., Inc. (Contractor) Recommendation on 09-23-19: Defer Recommendation on 10-29-19: ApproveCommunicationSubject: Change Order No. 15 on Contract A-18, Lift Station No. 2 Storage Basin, Miron Construction Co., Inc. (Contractor) Recommendation on 09-23-19: Defer Recommendation on 10-29-19: ApproveDeferredPass Action details Not available
1071-19 A Approval of HHW 2020 RatesCommunicationSubject: Approval of Household Hazardous Waste Rates for 2020 Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
1073-19 A Submittal of O&M and CIPCommunicationSubject: Submittal of the Report of the Finance Committee of the Racine Wastewater Commission regarding Year 2020 Wastewater Utility Operations and Maintenance Budget and the 2020-2024 Capital Improvements Budget Recommending Adoption Recommendation of the Racine Waterworks Commission on 9-23-19: To adopt FURTHER RECOMMEND, THE ITEM BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 10-29-19: Defer Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 11-11-19: Approve Fiscal Note: A copy of the 2020 City of Racine Budget consisting of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Fund, Capital Project Funds, Enterprise Funds, and Internal Service Funds are on file in the Office of the Finance Director.Recommended For ApprovalPass Action details Not available
1072-19 A Submittal of 2020 Swr Svc RatesCommunicationSubject: Submittal of the 2020 Sewer Service Rates Recommendation of the Racine Wastewater Commission on 9/23/19: To adopt FURTHER RECOMMENDS THAT THIS ITEM BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 10-29-19: Defer Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 11-11-19: Approve Fiscal Note: A copy of the 2020 City of Racine Budget consisting of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Fund, Capital Project Funds, Enterprise Funds, and Internal Service Funds are on file in the Office of the Finance Director.Recommended For AdoptionPass Action details Not available
1080-19 A CNH Access AgreementCommunicationSubject: Approval of an Access Agreement for CNHI to Access the Shoreline South of the Property at 2101 S. Wisconsin Ave. Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
1091-19 A CWFL Appl - W. 6th St. Interceptor RelocationCommunicationSubject: Permission to Submit a Clean Water Fund Loan Application for the West 6th Street Interceptor Relocation Project Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
1074-19 A Election of OfficersCommunicationSubject: Election of Officers Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
1101-19 A Swr Ext Request - Force Main Proj in Mt. PleasantCommunicationSubject: Sanitary Sewer Extension Request for Interceptor Sewer System - Phase 3A and Phase 5, Sanitary Sewer Force Main Project in Mt. Pleasant Recommendation: ApproveApprovedPass Action details Not available
1102-19 A R-M Amendment for Force Main in Hamilton St.CommunicationSubject: Amendment for Professional Services with Ruekert-Mielke with regards to the 8" Sanitary Force Main in Hamilton St. for @ North Beach Recommendation: ApproveDeferredPass Action details Not available